A Season of Gratitude

Sent On: 
Tue, 2017-12-19
Newsletter Number: 

The Arab-West Foundation is grateful for all the support received in 2017 for the work of Arab-West Report in Egypt. Arab-West Report is produced by the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) and interns of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) in Egypt. Their important peace building work contributes towards building bridges of harmony, understanding, and friendship between the various peoples, faiths, and cultures of the Middle East and the rest of the world.


Since 2007, CAWU has hosted over 200 interns each of whom contributed to various peacebuilding efforts for periods between 1 and 12 months. Their presence in CAWU meant that these interns were introduced to different cultures, received support in meeting interesting people, and contributed to texts that could be used for our database. In our newsletter, you should have encountered a number of testimonies from interns explaining how much they have benefited from these internships.


Throughout this year, CIDT has been particularly focused on developing the online Arab-West Report database, improving the quality of our summary translations, and making the search feature online more accessible for users.


The Arab-West Report database contains approximately 40,000 research-related items on Muslim-Christian relations, development, and society in Egypt. The primary language of the database is English, which further increases its utility as a resource for researchers from many different countries. The Arab-West Report Database contains:

  • Approximately 25,000 summaries of Arabic media
  • Approximately 1,500 Arab-West Report produced content. This has been uploaded in 2017 on the database of the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) of the combined Dutch universities and research centers, which constitutes a great recognition for the importance and quality of our work; 
  • 1,047  international news clippings – many of them with commentaries; 
  • Approximately 15,000 Arabic articles, from which the summary translations were made (for reference purposes);
  • Approximately 1,000 audio interviews (we are currently in the process of rendering, editing, and preparing summaries for all audio content uploaded onto the Arab-West Report database).

This makes the Arab-West Report database the largest and most comprehensive of its kind.

Moreover, in 2017, we published two academic books with contributions from our interns:

The books can be ordered through Tectum or through us for 29,95 Euro per book. This would be an ideal gift for anyone interested in Egypt’s modern history.


All of our work is carried out with a very small staff and limited funding. We depend on your support to help us further our peacebuilding efforts in the MENA region and beyond. Contributions are possible with paypal or a bank transfer to the Arab-West Foundation in the Netherlands. For details click here: https://www.arabwestfoundation.com/donate.


We are an ANBI foundation, which means that donations to us are tax deductible for Dutch tax payers.

We wish our readers a blessed Christmas, a wonderful holiday season, and a prosperous new year!


Koen Vliegenthart
