MEMRI TV Clip No. 6274 highlighted an interview with Egyptian firebrand lawyer Nabih Al-Wahsh [Nabīh al-Waḥsh] who stated during an interview on Egyptian TV, “I'm proud to be anti-Semitic,” and “if I see any Israeli, I will kill him.”
The interview was about the tomb of Yaakov Abu Hatzeira [Abū Ḥaṣīra] (1806–1880) who was a leading Moroccan-Jewish rabbi from Tafilalt [Tāfīlālt], Morocco. In 1879 he embarked on a pilgrimage to Palestine through North Africa. In the Egyptian Delta city of Damanhour [Damanhūr], he grew ill and died. His tomb has since become a pilgrimage site for Jews submerged in the way of thinking of this rabbi and his descendants. Nabih al-Wahsh wants this tomb to be removed. I do not know why Egyptian TV gave him the opportunity for an interview since he is known for radical and outlandish statements. Nabih Al-Wahsh also does not have much credit in Egypt.
I believe it is far more interesting to look at the similarities between Arab-Jewish, Sufi Muslim, and Coptic Orthodox traditions. To all of them, saints and their shrines are important for the faithful to make petitions. It is also interesting to compare the esoteric and mystical teachings shared between the aforementioned traditions. This shows the differences between official religious teachings in Judaism, Islam and Christianity; and the popular beliefs and/or practices propagated throughout these three religious frameworks.
Photo: Yaakov Abu Hatzeira [Abū Ḥaṣīra] (1806–1880). Source.
For a background about Abu Hatzeira with the MEMRI interview please click here.
November 28, 2017 (Newsletter # 2017-52)
Cornelis Hulsman,
Editor-in-chief Arab-West Report