Date of Publication | February 27, 2010 |
Authors | Jayson Casper |
Reviewers | Dr. Bahā' Bakrī, President of Sinai University Dr. Amīn Makram cUbayd, Coptic Author and Intellectual Mr. Sāmih Fawzī, Political Writer and Researcher Eng. Sawsan Jabrah, Chair of the Center for Arab West Understanding, Egypt |
Editors | Not Mentioned |
Social Reconciliation: Pre- and Post-Conflict in the Egyptian Setting |
In all nations of the world, conflict is normal, and Egypt is no exception. Violent conflict in Egypt, however, is not. Though the Egyptian population has always been a peaceful people, many are noticing the increasing violence exhibited throughout society, much of which is along religious lines. There is a growing religiosity that imbues both Muslims and Christians with a powerful sense of identity to their community of faith. While only in the rarest of cases does this push either group towards violence, it does contribute to a culture of sectarian analysis, which interprets these events along religious lines. This tends often to deepen the sense of religious division, cultivating further cyclical patterns of aggression, sometime passive, against the other, be it physical in outright attack, or psychological, in accusations of disloyalty or persecution. Reporting styles of the media, with all its variety, generally tends to fuel this established pattern by either labeling every incident a sectarian event or else denying the religious dimension completely. Balanced and objective journalism disappears in the process.
This paper recognizes that these are the witnessed features of conflict in Egypt, but many other factors lie beneath the surface. Unseen are the population pressures and economic difficulties which push normal disputes over resource allocation past the threshold of traditional resolution mechanisms into the pursuit of violence. One of these traditional mechanisms is the 'reconciliation session', which in principle restores community harmony but in practice often makes visible other unseen realities. Whether in land registration, church building policy, or an overwhelmed judiciary the law of government is applied weakly in many parts of Egypt. This tends to an overreliance upon 'reconciliation sessions', which are often conducted with a lack of transparency mirroring other aspects of the state. Security practices, though naturally present following an outbreak of violence, are but another example. Any mistakes made or weaknesses perceived are denied, and these therefore unseen factors combine with unseen demographic changes to produce the painfully visible instances of violence which torment the Egyptian consciousness.
This paper explores these issues in more depth, but also seeks a way out. Using Johan Galtung's methodology of conflict resolution following medical practice of diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, this peacemaking project suggests better practices. The diagnosis is explained above. Prognosis involves proscribing corrective changes to the major sections of Egyptian society: Government, Church, Local Leadership, the Media, and Non-Governmental Organizations. Therapy then posits a procedure to lead into social reconciliation following conflict. First, root causes and contextual studies must be determined and addressed. Second, community leaders from all sectors must be identified and supplied with information. Third, these are then encouraged into dialogue through a mediator who both knows the area and is accepted therein. Fourth, pending these discussions to be focused on just negotiation and relational unity, supportive projects can be considered to assist in community reintegration. It is hoped that this will be a predominantly Egyptian initiative, for local problems demand local solutions. Yet the eyes of outsiders, Cairene or otherwise, may be helpful.
This paper is humbly submitted for review by all, but a selected number of advisors have written their critique and added their observations. These are also presented for further evaluation, and the reader is welcomed to offer both constructive criticism and proposals. For such an endeavor a network is necessary; to the degree you are willing we invite you to join.