On Wednesday, March 27, we had a successful screening of the movie, “One Hand” at the Korean Center in Attaba, Cairo. 25 interested people joined us and participated in the discussion afterwards with Dr. Nagia Abdelmoghny Saad and Dr. Afaf Badran of the Moral Rearmament Association along with Cornelis Hulsman. “One Hand” is a documentary film project directed by Johnny and Rebecca Weixler. The film entails inspiring stories of Egyptian Muslims and Christians standing together and overcoming sectarian incidents. “One Hand” was produced with the support of Arab-West Report and the Center for Arab-West Understanding, by providing the directors with contacts.
Read the full article on the screening here.
In a new media critique, Arab-West Report researcher, Jayson Casper, elaborates on a video broadcasted by Fox News.
“On March 28, 2013 Fox News broadcast an incendiary video report entitled, ‘US Silent as Christians are Persecuted in Egypt?’ It is understood that media relies on a level of sensationalism in order to attract the viewer or reader to a story. Yet this report moves beyond sensationalism to distortion, in which elements of truth are stretched to create an impression far removed from reality.”
Read the full article of Jayson Casper here.
Cornelis Hulsman was invited to give a series of lectures by the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the University of West Bohemia in the Czech Republic. The central topic of his lectures was the Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt.
We would like to inform that his lectures are open to the public and our readers in the Czech Republic are most welcome to join. Titles of Hulsman’s coming lectures include
“Muslim and Christian Scholars Working towards Dialogue” (April 8, 17.30-19.15) and “The formation of a new and controversial Egyptian Constitution: The outcome of a deep polarization between Islamists and non-Islamists” (April 9, 12.00 – 13.40).
Eline Kasanwidjojo
Assistant Researcher, Arab-West Report