Displaying 1561 - 1570 of 1653.
The national disaster that took place in Al-Kosheh should not be used to push the ruling party towards democratic reform. It is also not a good occasion for taking revenge over political enemies. The only result of all that would be the failure to reach a solution. In other words the author claims...
The author argues that it is in the interest of the Israeli secret service to saw discord between peoples of different denominations in the countries surrounding Israel. Examples are given from Egypt and Lebanon.
Anyone who reads the declarations of emigrant Copts and the declarations of the centers adjoined to them thinks that Egypt is an apartheid society like South Africa in the past. Some might even think that every Muslim in Egypt carries an machine-gun on his shoulder all the time to deal with any...
Whatever the circumstances were, or the excuses, what happened last week in Al-Koshh that is located in Upper Egypt should not pass away without strict and harsh punishment for everyone who caused or participated in or encouraged the disaster.
An interview with Ibrahim Shukry, the 83 year old head of the Islamist Labor Party on al-Koshh and the place of Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Sub-titles: The issue of Jerusalem will not be solved through negotiations, be ready for other options. I refused to visit Bethlehem because the Israeli flag profanes its lands. We have to take an action to face the Israeli nuclear domination With confidence, faith and cheerfulness, Pope Shenouda...
In the absence of democratic freedom, it is impossible to solve the problems of unemployment, poverty, deterioration of living conditions and the collapse of living standards for millions of the people of this nation and the lagging areas in it, especially in Upper Egypt. All that creates a...
The disaster of Al-Koshh has shaken Egyptian feelings. It hit everybody with fear and worry about the future of the nation that is threatened by anonymous hands seeking to destroy its stability and national unity. There is no doubt that these incidents... raise many important questions. ... The...
[This article was written on the request of Christianity Today. See also their web site: http://www.christianitytoday.com] The killings in Al-Koshh were preceded by escalated tensions in which different parties, including exaggerations in the Western press about Al-Koshh in 1998, the role of...
The Council of Ministers confirmed in its meeting yesterday that the government would deal firmly with any attempt to harm stability, or to instigation of lawlessness, or the stirring up of conflicts between the children of the same nation.


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