Displaying 561 - 570 of 1653.
This article reflects on a hatred Israeli compaign against the Egyptians triggered by a Jewish Rabbi.
Jamāl al-Bannā was born in 1920 in al-Mahmūdiyyah in al-Bihīrah governorate, Egypt. His elder brother was al-Imām Hasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite being the brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Bannā pursued quite different interests. al-Bannā...
Ḥasan Ḥanafī is a Muslim liberal leftist thinker who has been and still is a professor in philosophy at Cairo University since 1988. His vast knowledge on a broad field of philosophy and religion has given him many positions and invitations throughout his career. Ḥanafī's political understanding of...
Hāla Muṣṭafā was born in Egypt in 1958, although Muṣṭafā was appointed to be a member of the new Policies Committee of the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2002, Muṣṭafā presents herself as an independent writer and thinker more than a party member. This commitment is reflected in her...
ʿAmru Mūsā; an Egyptian politician and diplomat who holds the position of Secretary-General of the Arab Leagueand plays a pivotal role in negotiations around most of the major disputes in the Arab world. Such negotations are in regards to the disputes between Morocco and Algeria over Western Sahara...
During the TV program '90 Minutes' broadcast on Al-Mehwar channel, Dr. Mo`taz `Abd al-Fattāh, professor of political science, said that were the ousted Mursi still in power, he would have treated the protesters more harshly than the way the current regime has treated the supporters of the Muslim...
An Egyptian court sent Mursī’s case to the Grand Mufti for a final review after it sentenced the deposed president to death. The decision was met with wide international criticism; many foreign observers believe the verdict to be of a political rather than legal nature. An anonymous source within...
Transitional Justice Minister Hunaydī reported that he met with the Egyptian-American Chamber of Commerce to present Egypt’s point of view regarding the effect of American policies. He added that the goal of the meeting was to examine recent developments connected with human rights and elections...
 Transitional Justice Minister Hunaydī reported to the National Egyptian Council for Human Rights that he has begun to implement many recommendations that Egypt had received at a recent human rights conference in Geneva. He mentioned that there were many recommendations to review, including...
Meanwhile, the Salafī al-Nūr Party said that it respects the peace treaty with Israel due to the danger of canceling it unilaterally but some “unfair” items have to be modified by all legitimate means.  Al-Nūr (Light), in a statement published on its official Facebook page on December 23, said the...


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