Displaying 2821 - 2830 of 3269.
A lot of youth in Upper Egypt joined the Islamic group of Al-Tabligh wa Al-Da’wa. These youths claim that they are preaching the ways of God, but they have no credentials that qualify them to preach. The members of the group in fact do not care about politics and the regime. They belittle the...
In the Doctors’ Syndicate the Brotherhood is toying with the doctors’ oath known as the “Oath of Hippocrates” which they tried to replace with a new oath. The new oath ends with the words “My life should testify to my faith in public and private and be pure of any thing that may stain it before God...
Muhammad Abdel Qodous issued a statement as head of the Committee of Freedom affiliated with the Journalists’ Syndicate in which he supported the female broadcasters of Channel 5 who were suspended and moved to administrative jobs for taking the hijab [veil]. The statement also mentioned that the...
Some leftist members of the Tagammu Party attacked the attitudes of Dr. Rifa’at Al-Sa’id, the new chairman of the party for giving priority to his attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood, as a banned political group, at the time he ignores important Arab issues. Dr. Rifa’at Al-Sa’id stressed that these...
Al-Ahram daily wrote that “The French magazine Le Point has written that Copts enjoy their full legitimate rights and that controversy over Copts’ rights as Egyptian citizens living on equal terms with Muslims, has ended It is clear from the original Le Point text that al-Ahram printed only part of...
Salah Shady, one of the prominent Brotherhood leaders wrote, “Hassan Al-Banna [founder of the Muslim Brotherhood] was the good seed for Islamic thought and Sayyed Qutb was the good fruit.” The life of Sayyed Qutb witnessed many conversions and unlimited mysteries. Qutb knew how to love and how to...
The Muslim Brotherhood abuses the rulings of the Qur’an and Sunna and manipulates these rulings to achieve political ends. They have not offered a solution for a single problem and they have not even provided suggestions that can help in solving a problem.
The initiative of the Muslim Brotherhood [for political reform] highlights the right of disagreement in many of its items as a basic democratic principle. In effect, the Brotherhood seeks to impose a single viewpoint over other viewpoints arguing that the imposed point of view is God’s point of...
“Dying for the sake of God is our highest hope.” These words are part of motto of the Brotherhood. In fact, death is not the hope of any creature and those who die on the battleground did not regard death as hope. When you highest hope is death, you are then denouncing all the ideas of life, its...
The initiative of the Brotherhood for political reform is based on democracy, circulation of authority and transparency in financial matters and fighting of financial corruption. Does the Brotherhood apply these principles inside the group or the professional syndicates which they have been...


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