Displaying 3011 - 3020 of 3269.
The article is a comment by Usama Rushdie, a leader in the Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiya, on the memoirs of Ayman Al-Zawahri. He stressed that the opinion he expressed in the article does not represent the attitude of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya as he is not authorized to speak on behalf of them.
Gamal Al-Banna believes that the violence of the Islamic groups is a reaction to the barbaric torture practiced by the State against the Muslim Brotherhood in the time of president Gamal Abdel-Nasser. Dr. Essam Al-Eryan said that some Islamic groups believe in the necessity of military action as a...
An expert in Al-Ahram Political and Strategic Studies Center said that the concept of political Islam appeared in the mid-seventies due to an American study on the Iranian Revolution and Khomeini. He added that Islamic groups are divided into two sections, namely, Islamic religious movements and...
The Brotherhood failed to administrate the Bar Association. They wasted its money and caused it a heavy financial crisis. They also failed to control the Association Council. The head of the Bar Association was able to win the support of many lawyers who succeeded in the elections by the support...
Associating religion with a certain regime or institution wrongs religion and turns it into a mere temporary and worldly formula that stops at personal conflicts and financial interests. True religion does not focus on establishing regimes but cares in the first place about planting the true faith...
Political analysts believe that the Muslim Brotherhood cancelled its iftar party for this Ramadan due to do the consequences of the September 11 attacks and the possibility of including the name of the group in the American lists for terrorist groups. They believe that the Brotherhood is trying to...
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the Brotherhood’s leaders affirmed that the group was calling for dialogue and not for confrontation. He called the government to dialogue and cooperation in order to face the challenges of the biased...
In this article Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi speaks about Islam and secularism, the weakness and disunity among Muslims, the Muslims’ aggression towards the West, the violence of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and the responsibility of the preachers, thinkers and the governments towards correcting the...
History proves that Jews initiated the collective suicide. This is part of the Jewish character. Researcher Samir Marcos said that there are many Christian American groups that resort to violence to keep America the sole greatest power in the world. The Islamic thinker Dr. Mustafa Al-Shoka’a...
According to Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi, there are three kinds of kufr [unbelief]. There is atheism [elhad], which is a total denial of the existence of the Almighty God. There is polytheism [shirk], which means believing in more than one god. The third kind is the denial of Islam and the message...


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