Date of source: Wednesday, August 5, 2020
On Wednesday Shaykh of al-Azhar Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib dispatched an urgent medical and relief convoy from al-Azhar to Lebanon to stand in solidarity with the Lebanese, and mitigate the repercussions of the Beirut explosion that shook the Lebanese capital and the hearts of millions of people around...
Date of source:
The following text contains sensitive information and highlights various concerns from an Egyptian ambassador regarding foreign influence on political and environmental decisions and movements in Egypt.
Date of source: Sunday, August 23, 2020
If not for the Egyptian public witnessing the hidden conflict between President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī and Grand Imām of al-Azhar Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, the law regulating the Dār al-Iftāʾ, which the Egyptian parliament passed on June 19, would have passed without controversy. This conflict has entered...
Date of source: Monday, July 6, 2020
“A woman’s honour [sharaf] is like a matchstick that can burn in no time”, one of the most known sayings said by the famous actor Yūsuf Wahbī that have shaped our understanding of what female honour means. We picked up the hidden messages in drama or comedy films at a young age; these ideas, its...
Date of source: Thursday, October 29, 2020
Recently, religious institutions have rejected and condemned Charlie Hebdo’s republication of the images insulting the Prophet Muḥammad. At the same time, there have also been media reports of an extremist burning the Qur’an in Sweden, and French reactions and stances on the issue continue to...
Date of source: Wednesday, October 7, 2020
His Eminence, the Grand Imam Dr. Aḥmad Al-Ṭayyib welcomed John Barsa, Acting Head of the United States Agency for International Development in Washington, and his delegation on Wednesday.
Date of source: Monday, August 24, 2020
Dr. Ṣalaḥ Ḥasab Allāh, spokesperson for Parliament, complimented Shaykh of al-Azhar Grand Imām Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib and Pope Tawāḍrūs II after al-Azhar and the Coptic Orthodox Church joined in with the Egyptian state to send aid to the Lebanese people to confront the aftermath of the Port of Beirut...
Date of source: Thursday, July 9, 2020
al-Azhar’s recent stance on harassment issues was a beautiful, enlightening, and courageous stance that deserves to be congratulated. al-Azhar, the most prestigious religious institution in the Muslim world has issued a statement denouncing sexual harassment and has encouraged speaking out on...
Date of source: Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Catholic, Evangelical and Episcopal churches of Egypt have announced that they have joined with al-Azhar and the Vatican to pray on Thursday May 14, for humanity to be relieved from the novel coronavirus pandemic, at the invitation of the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity.
Date of source: Saturday, July 4, 2020
The Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām said that the Muslim Brotherhood and its dependents are merely a tool to divide Egyptians, leading to self-destruction. He went on to explain that the jurists [al-fuqahāʾ] decided that the rule of political power is a social contract between the people...