Displaying 1861 - 1870 of 2708.
The Grand Imam of the Azhar, Shaykh Tantāwī, is currently in a state of extreme distress and it clearly shows on his face. The author discusses why this might be. He says newspapers issued in Egypt with foreign licenses have been firmly instructed not to level the slightest criticism at Dr. ‘Alī...
‘Abd al- Muncim Sālih stated in this article that there is definitely foreign interference behind the Azhar’s decision to allow the circulation of the book by President George W. Bush’s forefather on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
The author argues that the government wanted to close the matter of the conversion of Wafā’ Qustantīn, a Coptic Orthodox priest’s wife, to Islam as quickly as possible without considering the possible repercussions which could breach citizens’ right to choose their religious belief according to...
The prominent Egyptian writer and scholar Dr. Sayyed al-Qimnī has suddenly declared that he renounces all his previous writings, which discussed Islamic tradition from historical and critical perspectives. He said that he had received an assassination threat from the Jihād Organization via an email...
The school textbooks of the Azhar, especially those of the secondary grade, were authored to make a thousand Bin Lādins instead of contemporary ‘ulamā’s who can stand up against terrorism.
I do not doubt for a single moment that Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a has been abreast in detail of the instructions given to the Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, from the presidency about from the campaign of support for the president in Egyptian mosques, which,...
Embattled Egyptian women’s rights activist Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī launched her campaign at the Dutch parliament in The Hague amidst a crowd of journalists and reporters.
I don’t know exactly how the Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, has felt when he received in his office the detailed scenario of what should be done by the Azhar culamā’ and mosque imāms appointed by the Ministry of Awqāf [endowments] in support of President Husnī Mubārak in...
A book called Hayāt Muhammad [The Life of Mohammed], allegedly written by Revd. George Bush, the great grandfather of the incumbent US president, has caused a commotion in religious and popular circles, especially after the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy has reportedly taken a final decision...
Changes in the selection criteria for AWR.


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