Displaying 601 - 610 of 2707.
ʿIṣām al-ʿIrīyān was born in 1954 in Giza, Egypt. al-ʿIrīyān is a member of the “middle generation" of Brotherhood leaders, who developed their political stance in students’ politics in the early 1970s. He maintains a fundamentally Islamic world view and as such propagates the application of the...
ʿAmrū Khālid was born in a well-off family in 1967 in Alexandria, Egypt. From 1998 onwards Khālid became a full time dāʿiyah as he expanded his enterprise to satellite-television with his first tele-preacher show. Khālid aims at a revival of the Arab world pointing to the current obvious...
Dr. ʿAlī al-Sammān was born in 1929. He is an Egyptian professor who has lived in France and received his Ph.D. Dr. al-Sammān has participated in a large number of seminars and dialogues, and his activities stem from his belief in the importance of dialogues and meetings dealing with Islam and the...
Ṭāriq al-Bishrī was born in El Helmaya in Cairo on February 1, 1933. al-Bishrī’s initial political works focused on national political independence. According to al-Bishrī, Egyptian national independence was related to the international movements for independence, Arab unity, and to a sovereign...
A Dutch tourist residing in the city of Hurghada declared that he had converted to Islam and changed his name to Sīsī in reference to Egyptian President ‘Abd al-Fatah al- Sīsī. The tourist says the President led him to Islam despite him lacking religious affiliation before. The tourist held a...
Munīr Hannā Anīs was born in Egypt in 1950. As a Christian authority in a Muslim country, Bishop Munīr is widely experienced in interfaith relations. He strives for good Muslim-Christian relations, and advocates dialogue between different religious communities. In Egypt, Christian Arabs have lived...
Muṣṭafā al-Fiqī was born in al-Beḥīrah governorate in November 1944. In 2005, al-Fiqī defended the amendment that was proposed by President Ḥusnā Mubārak to article 67 of the Egyptian constitution. The amendment, which was approved in a public referendum, allows multi-candidate presidential...
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
The article is about the struggle between traditional Islam and political Islam.  The Brotherhood also sought to get rid of Ahmad al-Tayeb in various ways after the Sheikh rejected the draft Islamic sukuk law, which the Brotherhood parliament tried to pass. Al-Masry Al-Youm readers gave Dr. Ahmad...


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