Displaying 21 - 30 of 1782.
On Sunday, November 18, a video showing the execution of Nabīl Ḥabashī Salāma, who was kidnapped in North Sinai five months ago by terrorists, was published on their social media platforms.  Egyptian security forces, however, successfully found those involved in the incident and killed them in an...
The family of Coptic citizen Nabīl Ḥabashī Salāma (62 years old) learned of his death at the hands of the Islamic State (ISIS) after a video of his execution by shooting was published online today.
The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by Pope Tawāḍrūs II mourned the martyr Nabīl Ḥabashī, who was killed today by terrorist cells affiliated with Dāʿish.
After failing to include Copts killed by ISIS in Libya as part of the National Council for Care of the Families of the Revolution’s Martyrs and Injured as ordered by the Egyptian Cabinet on February 16, 2015, the families of the slain have resorted to the courts to enforce the decision.
The martyrs of Libya are an icon of the modern era, whose blood was shed by the terrorist organization ISIS in February 2015. President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī come out with a speech to affirm their honour, with only hours passing before an air strike was launched in revenge for them. The Egyptian...
February 15, 2015, still and will always remain a vivid memory for every Egyptian, especially Christians. On this day, ISIS broadcasted a video clip of the slaughter of the kidnapped 20 Egyptian Copts at the hands of terrorism in Libya. President ʿAbd al-Fatāh al-Sīsī’s response was extremely firm...
Social reconciliation in Egypt has a long, entangled history. Social reconciliation takes place when families or communities need to settle their disputes. Mediation and negotiation are the cornerstones and focal points for settling societal disputes. Various methods were applied including security...
The Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese in Port Said [Būr Saʿīd] issued a statement thanking President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī regarding the Christians of al-ʿArīsh, who have been forced to leave their homes in al-ʿArīsh and move to other governorates to live.
Public Prosecution issued a decision regarding the attack on three Coptic shops in al-Wardiyān, Alexandria, which resulted in the death of Ramsīs Būlus Hirmīnā (47 years old) and the stabbing of his brother ʿĀdil Būlus Hirmīnā (60 years old).  Tāriq Fawzī Shinūda and his clothing store were also...
Members of the Egyptian House of Representatives and Senate expressed their condolences to Bishop Ilarion [Iylāriyūn], general bishop of the churches of West Alexandria, for the death of Ramsīs Būlus Hirmīnā. a Copt who was the victim of a hate crime that took place in al-Wardiyān, Alexandria. The...


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