Displaying 101 - 110 of 254.
An article about the Muslim Brotherhood’s intent to establish a state that has a religious, and not civil nature, and the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood towards the Copts.
Dr. Thanā’ Fou’ād ‘Abd Allāh discusses the issue of improving the conditions of women in Saudi Arabia. Although there is trend that asks for the liberation of women, there is also another stream that opposes what they call ‘westernizing’ Saudi women.
The article discusses a draft law proposed by a women’s rights advocacy center calling for denying Muslim men the right to have a unilateral divorce, while at the same time stressing women’s freedom to have a unilateral divorce.
The Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Goma´a, denied the fatwa attributed to him regarding a woman´s right to receive a payment for serving her husband and children. He said that his words in this respect were distorted and taken out of context.
The article is an interview with the Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´aa. He expresses his anger with the Egyptian press, believing that some publications deliberately exploit religion to arrive at certain aims. He adds that he has been exposed to unjust campaigns waged against him by certain...
Sherin Hafez, a researcher at the American University in Cairo, made a research under the title “Methods of empowerment: Muslim women activists in Egypt.” In her research, Hafez depended on a field survey she conducted in two Islamic NGOs which are run by women and have female staff. The two NGOs,...
The Mufti of Egypt issued a fatwa to the effect that wives are entitled to be paid for breast-feeding their children and serving their husbands. The author believes it is not acceptable that Muslim scholars neglect essential and important issues and focus on issues of secondary importance that do...
The author wonders why not criticize the Christian or the Jewish religious discourse as Islamic religious discourse is criticized. Picking verses from the Torah, he argued that the Jewish religious discourse supports the concept of ethnic cleansing and looks down upon women. He referred to the...
The article comments on the idea that Islamic scholars refuse a female Muslim to hold positions of president and Muslim Caliph. They resort to a hadith narrated by Abu Bakrah that when the Prophet Muhammad was informed that people of Persia were ruled by Kisra´s daughter. He replied that no...
Scholars of the Azhar expressed their strong rejection to the establishment of a [belly] dance school in Egypt, stressing that the foundation of such a school is contradicting with the Islamic Sharia and the Egyptian constitution which states that Islam is the official religion of the state and...


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