Displaying 21 - 30 of 254.
Google celebrated the 141st birthday of Hudā Shaʿarāwī, who was responsible for beginning the women’s liberation movement in Egypt and who was born on June 23, 1879 in al-Minya governorate. Shaʿarāwī has made a great history in the feminist movement in Egypt.
The subject of women and their position in Islam still arouses intellectual, legal, and political controversy in different places of stability around the world.   Accusations against Islam and Islamists of regarding women as weak and degrading them still remain.  ʿArabī 21 is opening a portfolio...
Last year anthropologist Erica Canova explored the impact of honor and shame in Egyptian culture, you can find her full article here. Of course, there are large differences between a large city as Cairo and the countryside and between people of different levels of education and regions. The sad...
In the wake of increased incidents related to Islamophobia, the current British government, under the control of the conservative party, is trying to figure out a way to define Islamophobia, after rejecting the APPG's proposed definition, in order to meet the practical and legal challenges facing...
Doctor Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʿah, Egyptian Minister of Awqāf, has announced his decision to allocate a session of the 30th International Conference of the Islamic Affairs Supreme Council to the topic of women’s role in state-building. The conference, titled “Nation-building in Jurisprudence…A Modern...
After several recent reforms, Saudi Arabia has embarked on the path of liberating the Saudi society according to its ‘Saudi Vision 2030’. It seems as if there is a revolution on the skyline with regards to Saudi women’s exposure to the wider world, and the eradication of their so-called ‘societal...
The Islamic Research Academy, headed by the Azhar’s Grand Shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb, decided to postponed examining the “women document” until it is being finally reviewed. The document will be discussed the coming week (before January 27, 2013) during the meeting of the Azhar Senior Scholars that...
Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, received on Wednesday a delegation of Nigerian doctors, religious and community leaders.
In his column this week, Egypt’s   renown writer and journalist, Ḥamdī Rizk wonders of the number of fatwas issued exclusively on women, referring to the report released by the Global Fatwa Index in the Egyptian Fatwa House, in Arabic Dār al-Iftāʾ, that states that 12% of all the fatwas issued by...
The New York Times reviewed the life story of Doria Shafik [Durriyā Shafīq] who led Egypt’s women’s liberation movement in the mid-1940s; she is the founder of a feminist organization, and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the Sorbonne University. Shafīq was also the editor-in-chief of two...


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