Displaying 1121 - 1130 of 1246.
The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) has 57 Islamic countries as members, with a total population of more than one billion people. Failure of the OIC to respond to its peoples’ hopes despite its frequent meetings and despite the world media’s focus on them, has resulted in a lack of...
Some recent analyses held that the U.S. administration is now busy planning to wage a new Cold War on the Muslim world, a war that would not be far from a concept of a Crusade in a modern form.
In his 1980s book Seize the Moment, late U.S. President Richard Nixon said the United States has no interest in the Middle East except oil and Israel and that Muslim fundamentalists, driven by their extreme hatred of the West, are poised to revive the previous Islamic civilization.
Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā, the prominent Islamic thinker and the Secretary General of the International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS), called for peaceful coexistence and fraternity between Muslims and non-Muslims.
Christopher Columbus, discoverer of America, was nothing but an advocate for a holy war against Islam. He went to the New World (America) in search of gold and then gave it to Pope Alexander VI to prepare a 55,000 strong militant army to attack the Muslims in Palestine.
In the international conference of the United Nations Department of Public Information, United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, called upon all countries of the world to stop linking Islam with terrorism.
After the September 11attacks many writers studied the relation between Islam and the West. Some of them seized this opportunity to attack Islam and the Holy Qur’ān. One of these writers has wondered why Muslims usually quote the Qur’ānic texts that highlight the peaceful and tolerant face of Islam...
Islamic efforts should focus on building constructive dialogue with the West. They should also aim at building bridges with civilizations of the far East, which also have strained relationships with the West.
Referring to Fukuyama’s article Their Target: The Modern World, in which he concluded that Muslims are against religious tolerance and secularism, I would like to forewarn of the consequences of confusing the ‘modernization of Islam’ with the ‘Western secular modernity’, which the West imposes on...
The beard, the Pakistani jilbab and the Arab features are now posing a great threat to civilization and progress and the Muslims became sheer symbols of evil and heinousness that it would no longer do to speak about the tolerance of Islam and that the religion is renouncing throat-slitters. - See...


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