Displaying 1271 - 1280 of 2329.
Western interference in the Middle East started long ago and has continued right up to the present day, with no apparent end in sight. This relationship is the key focus of Robert Fisk’s book ’The Great War for Civilisation’. The book describes in detail Robert Fisk’s experiences as a journalist in...
Samīr Marqus analyzes Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt since the rule of Muhammad ‘Alī and suggests three possibly scenarios for the future of the Egyptian state.
Arab-West relations are complicated and controversial. In this paper Bāhir Dukhān, an Arab-West Report intern, has analyzed the Egyptian media from 2003 to investigate how the media affects Arab-West relations and how the Egyptian press covered the events leading up to the 2003 U.S-led war on Iraq.
An Arab-West Report intern writes about the history and programs of the Salaam Centre for Medico-Social Services in Ezbet al-Nakhl district of Cairo. This center was formed and is run by a cooperation between Catholic and Coptic nuns.
A delegation of Arab-West Report interns visit the Al-Shafia Center of the Korean Evangelical Church to attend a seminar on the history of the Coptic Church and a lecture on Muslim-Christian relations and report on their perceptions.
Two Arab-West Report interns report on a Sūfī dancing performance by the Al Tannoura dance troupe at the Wikala of Al Ghouri in Cairo.
One of AWR’s interns investigated the long-winded church building story of the "Coptic Evangelical" [Presbyterian] Church in Ma’ādī.
Drs. Hulsman presents the Electronic Network for Arab West Understanding. He explains how it came into being and its main roles and functions. He also outlines the planned outcomes of the ENAWU 2 phase of the project.
Understanding the other is about finding similarities and differences, not about compromising our own views, states Father Samīr Khalīl. He also believes that the ENAWU project could be expanded in both its scope and influence and comments on the role of the media in promoting dialogue and unbiased...
Dr. Sharqawi discusses the program for civilizational studies at Cairo University and comments on the important of dialogue among students. She believes that students in the Arab need to engage in dialogue and learn about the West just as much as students in the West should try to understand and...


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