Displaying 1841 - 1850 of 2331.
This is a translation of an article about the work of the Center for Arab-West Understanding from the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw. Editor AWR: This article is very sharp. Senior editor Eildert Mulder has used formulations that Hulsman would never have used, but this is related to Mulder’s own...
AWR participation in conferences and discussions on the Danish cartoons. Articles and reports on the Danish cartoons.
Offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper. Ayad Mossad, chairman Stichting Arab-West Understanding, visited AWR to help and discuss the request for NGO status.
The celebration of 150 years of presence of the Evangelical Church [e.g. the Presbyterian denomination] in Egypt stressed both the universality and the deep-rootedness of this Church in Egyptian society. Held in a true spirit of celebration, prayer and thanksgiving, the event was also a perfectly...
Attention for AWR work: network building.
Report on the riots in Alexandria and the way Coptic and Christian media is reporting on this.
Ahmad Usāma, Chairman of al-Karma Center for Human Development recommends AWR.
Muhammad Abu Laylah, Professor of Islamic Studies in English and Head of the English Department at the Azhar University recommends AWR.
Efforts to obtain NGO status. Media attention for AWR work. Israeli organizations publishing about radical Arab and Islamic websites.
During the weekend "Discovering Islam in Ramadān” in the framework of the "Inculturation Training” offered by CAWU, eight European volunteers met with AWR translator ‘Amr al-Misrī on liberal Islam. Former AWR translator Amānī ‘Āsim introduced them to the spirit of Ramadān, which she said was the...


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