Displaying 1851 - 1860 of 2329.
The response of Danish newspapers to the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, perceived by Muslims as anti-Islamic.
A discussion of the issue of freedom of expression, and media responsibility, following the publication, in a Danish newspaper, of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, perceived by Muslims as anti-Islamic.
Understanding honor and shame in the Egyptian and Arab context resulting in misreportings on the conversion and alleged kidnapping of Christian girls. Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad cause tensions
An example of Christian self-critique with a article from a Christian publication attacking George Bush’s (commonly seen as a staunch Christian) policy on the treatment of detainees (most of whom are Muslim).
The two questions (Does the Bible contain scientific errors? and: Has the text of the Bible been corrupted?) are asked in different contexts and have different aims; therefore they should be distinguished. They reveal different stances on critical methodology of modern science applied to sacred...
Articles that give a good insight into some frequent misunderstandings in Arab-West relations. A Christian play in Alexandria, advising Christians in a crude way not to convert to Islam, was followed by Muslim demonstrations and violence.
Differences of thought within the al-Banna family; from Muslim Brotherhood to European Islam.
Memories of Rev. Dr. Otto Meinardus.
Introduction of the new AWR format and the first phase of the website www.cawu.org.
Media attention for AWR work.


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