Displaying 471 - 480 of 2331.
General bishop: Bishop Buṭrus of the Coptic Orthodox Church is known for the controversy over the Charity Isle of Patmos. He has been a bishop since 1985, Member of board of advisors and founder of Charity Isle of Patmos [named after the Greek Island where the apostle John received his Revelation...
Ayman Nūr is a strong proponent of liberal political reforms in Egypt as well as a strong profile on human rights. He has used his seat in parliament to carry out "investigations on everything from bread prices to torture." Only three months after establishing his new party, Ayman Nūr was stripped...
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
ʿAmru Mūsā; an Egyptian politician and diplomat who holds the position of Secretary-General of the Arab Leagueand plays a pivotal role in negotiations around most of the major disputes in the Arab world. Such negotations are in regards to the disputes between Morocco and Algeria over Western Sahara...
Āmīnah Wadūd; an African-American woman who was raised as a Christian by her father, a Methodist minister, converted to Islam in 1972. Āmīnah Wadūd is widely known for her strong engagement in Islamic feminism and along with other Islamic feminists, Wadūd fights for women’s complete and equal...
This biography focuses on the Islamic viewpoints of Āḥmad al-Ṭayyib; how he argues from an Islamic perspective and does not attempt to see the world through the eyes of non-Muslims. He strives to represent Islam in the best possible light, talking about it in a very positive way and accordingly...
Co-founder of the al-Waṣaṭ Party, members are mostly Muslim Brotherhood youth that seperated from the Muslim Brotherhood  
Arab-West Report extends its condolences to the family and friends of the victims in the March 22 and March 27 terrorist attacks in Brussels and Lahore, as well as to all Belgians and Pakistanis. The terrorist attack at Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek Metro station in Brussels claimed the lives of 34...


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