Displaying 661 - 670 of 2332.
[This interview took place in English and was recorded. Editorial notes have been made between brackets to clarify some statements. The interview was transcribed by Esther Schoorel and edited by Douglas May and Cornelis Hulsman.] [Test]
We are living in a world of much polarization.  This negative energy drives communities apart rather than combining their strengths to work together towards a better society. Arab-West Report was founded in 1997 to fight this negative energy. We are small and thus work only developed slowly but in...
The tenth day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic Hijrī calendar is known as ‘Āshūrā’. This day, is a sacred day celebrated by both Sunnīs and Shī’ah Muslims alike albeit for different reasons. Despite sharing this day in common, it highlights differences and brings memories of unjustified...
Amnesty International has been recurrently critical of the military intervention following large-scale demonstrations against President Morsi between June 30 and July 3. Amnesty International has also criticized the interim authorities for various human rights violations following July 3. In their...
Few subjects are so sensitive in Egypt as the conversion from one religion to the other. It is often difficult to find out the truth in such stories with all of the possible interests involved, both of the convert and the people around him or her. One can obtain a better glimpse of the various...
The final outcome of the Brotherhood’s fatwá is the inevitable disappearance of churches in Dār al-Islām (Islamic countries), which logically entails that there is no place for non-Muslims in Egypt. The Shaykh ends his fatwá stressing that building churches in Islamic countries is not permitted.
Until today arguments in Egypt rage about whether the removal of President Morsi was a coup d’état or not. For Morsi supporters the argument is clear: Morsi was the first elected president since 1952 and was removed by General al-Sisi on July 3, 2013. For Morsi opponents the argument is equally...
Egyptian media are full of reports on the work of the current Constituent Assembly. On November 22, Arab-West Report met with Rev. Dr. Safwāt al-Bayādī, President of the Protestant Churches in Egypt and member of the Constituent Assembly. Arab-West Report had previously attended a conference of...
The turmoil following the January 25, 2011 Revolution, the rule of former president, Muhammad Morsi, and his subsequent ouster has thrown Egypt’s economy into a recession. I am traveling around and meeting with lots of Egyptians who have been severely affected by the economic problems Egypt is...
On November 14, Isabella Pereira mailed a feature story titled, “The dirty secret behind some of Cairo’s development dreams”.   I have been on the mailing list of Amnesty International for years and appreciate much of their reporting, but I found the title of this story extremely suggestive and...


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