Displaying 181 - 190 of 217.
The author raises the question of how to improve religious discourse so that it provides support for democratic development. He criticizes religious tradition as part of his argument.
The American administration finished the draft of a project called "Developing religious discourse." The project aims for developing religious discourse in Arab countries. The suggested project will be linked with the American aid to Egypt.
A wide-scale controversy has recently broken out over Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution inside a number of US schools as parents objected to including the theory in the syllabi on the grounds that it clashed with their Christian beliefs.
With that speedy pace in the quest for knowledge and progress and attempts to explore the space, the people in our country are still living in the pre-science age, confiscated, tried or simply wasted for just trying to prove they are capacitated, and so the bodies grow while the mind stays in a...
The fact that some people are talking about the rights and duties of Christians enhances the sectarian perspective that does not apply the principle of citizenship. The discourse used on both the public and individual levels has the same effect. Such discourse and way of thinking would fade away...
The General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood stated that the group is not seeking power but only wants the Islamic Shari’a [law] to be enforced. He added that the aim of their activities in professional syndicates is not a matter of control. It is a democratic thing to have if the Brotherhood...
Islamic groups are gaining power through increasing penetration of the religious flux among people. The Muslim Brotherhood’s awareness of this fact guaranteed them continuity and helped them in achieving great success in the recent elections. People are increasingly attracted to them because of...
The author believes that disagreements regarding religion lead to its multiplicity - there is only one religion according to God and not 2 or 3. He is of the opinion that globalization might lead to the gathering of people around one religion, without getting bogged down in details that might...
With the emergence of heavenly religions, man found his target and got answers for the questions that confused him. The Jews were materialistic and arrogant as the chosen people of God. Christianity had its beginnings characterized by idealism, utopia and extreme forgiveness. Islam was...
Mohammed Abdel Moniem conducted a study about the influence of religion on human beings and their behavior, mind and psychology. He said that man realized from the very beginning of life that he will feel comfortable by having faith in something. And if he loses faith he will feel this article...


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