Displaying 6631 - 6640 of 8331.
Psychologists say that violence against women is an unhealthy masculine phenomenon, which starts with childhood, when children see their mothers beaten and insulted by their husbands. This behavior creates a gap in the children’s psyche. They become accustomed to violence against young girls who...
Reading journals can turn into an addiction if they focus on scandals. Psychiatrists warn against such trends and say readers should boycott such journalism.
Journalists are not above the law. They should be subject to the jurisdiction of the code of conduct. Dr. Shawqī al-Sayyid views the journalists’ menace as an unacceptable catastrophe.
Private journals claiming their right to freedom of the press incite sedition due to the lack of responsibility. Media professors view this as an aggravation to society. These private journals have affected the public opinion badly and are affecting the freedom of press.
Some journals, partisan and independent, fuel events and distort the facts in a way that does not respect the margin of freedom they have been given. They call the victims of their anarchist demonstrations martyrs.
An Al-ʾAsbū‘ article published on January 31, 2005, reinforces a widespread belief that Americans are trying to use Egypt’s Christians to create a wedge between Muslims and Christians with the purpose of weakening Egypt. The article lacks accuracy but shows Egyptian distrust of US involvement in...
The author of this article points out the different aspects of Jewish history in Egypt. The post-Camp David Israeli-Egyptian relations are often described as “cold peace.” This reconsideration of history is needed to stress the Arabs’ right to restore their dignity and not to keep pace with the...
The objective Coptic Egyptian researcher, Samīr Marqus, dissects the dialectic relation between the Old Testament’s beliefs, Protestant myths, and the Puritan colonization of America. He shows the development of a strong link between political ideology of the Protestant immigrants and Judaism,...
The movie “Kingdom of Heaven” criticizes the culture of fundamentalism, either in the name of the Holy Cross, or in the name of the Crescent.
The movie “Kingdom of Heaven” triggered a wide spectrum of reactions toward the artistic perception of the film with regard to holy wars and the potential of peaceful coexistence between religions.


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