Displaying 6981 - 6990 of 8331.
Rifa’at El Sa’id, a leftist leader, wrote that the Muslim Brotherhood has to apologize for what it has done previously. He quoted their new leader as saying “the Brotherhood does not apologize.” The Muslim Brotherhood is not the only group that refuses to apologize, because the culture of arrogance...
The Minister of Interior said that the “mistake of the Syndicate of Journalists” is that they allowed the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood to rent a hall [at the syndicate headquarters]. The minister’s words show the mistake he himself fell into. These statements by the minister reveal that...
Mahdi Akef confirmed in an interview with Al-Midan that the timing of the initiative for reform of the Brotherhood has nothing to do with the timing of the announcement of the American initiative for the region. He said that the Brotherhood members are performing their duty as citizens.
Announcing the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate last Wednesday did not cost more than the LE2500 to rent a hall at the Journalists’ Syndicate--including the podium, the seats, the microphone and the writers who covered the event [the author here is writing ironically because the supreme guide...
The head of Journalists’ Syndicate, Galal Aref, confirmed to Al-Arabi that the syndicate would not allow anyone to change it into a battlefield for partisan fights. He said that the syndicate is independent and is keen on defending national causes. He responded to the Minister of Interior, who said...
The Journalists’ Syndicate confirmed that it did not host the conference that was organized by the supreme guide of the banned Muslim Brotherhood in one of its halls. The syndicate explained that someone rented one of the syndicate halls without explaining that the hall would be used to hold a...
The Journalists’ Syndicate fell into a trap. Muslim Brotherhood members succeeded in obtaining a hall at the Journalists’ Syndicate for a press conference. The Brotherhood preferred to take over the credibility of the syndicate by applying cunning strategies.
Following its policy of stirring up sectarian and ethnic differences, the Ibn Khaldoun Center, which is headed by Saad Eddin Ibrahim, held a symposium last week in which Naguib Gebril and Kamal Boulis spoke. Titled “Egyptianizing Egypt,” Gebril severely attacked Egypt’s relationship to Arabism and...
Dr. Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi, the dean ‘Usul el-Din Faculty (religious fundamentals) [Dr. Bayoumi is a ‘former’ dean of Usul el-Din Faculty] and a member of the People’s Assembly, demanded that Coptic history be taught at schools and universities because Coptic history is an important part of Egyptian...
Tomorrow the Giza Primary Court will start looking into the case of the troubling acts that took place last November in Garza village, south of Ayyat in the Giza Governorate. A number of Muslim villagers are accused of taking over the possession of their Christian neighbors, causing damages and...


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