Displaying 7121 - 7130 of 8331.
Some astray American [religious] denominations are making use of the confused atmosphere created by America in the region. Those denominations are trying to spread their strange ideas and beliefs in Egypt and the Arab world. Now a days the American Mormons are trying to spread their movement in...
There is a confusion about the personality of Mary Magdalene. Was she a prostitute that repented or was she was one of Jesus Christ’s closest disciples? Was she the wife of Jesus Christ? or was she one of the most knowledgeable women of her time? All these questions arise when discussing one of the...
In his great book “Yasou’ Ibn El Insan” [Jesus the son of man] Jobran Khalil Jobranجبران خليل جبران wrote two verses spoken by Mary Magdalene, in which she describes her condition with Jesus Christ as she knew Him...
Mamdouh Al-Beltagui, Minister of Tourism, discussed with the American writer Paul Perry the project of producing a documentary film about the life of Jesus Christ in Egypt and the path of the Holy Family to Egypt, where they took refuge from the oppression of the Roman Emperor almost 2000 years ago...
Paul Perry Production has started preparing a film about the Holy Family’s journey since entering Egypt via Sinai until they reached Upper Egypt. The places where Virgin Mary, Joseph the carpenter and Jesus Christ stopped and the road they took along the coast of Sinai will be filmed.
The majority of the members of the Journalists’ Syndicate did not approve that the Brotherhood used the syndicate hall to announce their initiative for political reform. In the last elections, four Brotherhood members were elected into the board. Instead of declaring the syndicate as a place for...
The Muslim Brotherhood uses Islam for their own interest. Their latest initiative [Democratic Reform Initiative] makes the group seem as if it were God’s chosen leadership. They claim that they hold the keys to the true teachings of Islam. That is why, they claim, everybody should rally round them.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s unchanging principle is their dream of reaching power. History confirms that the group has never stood a change of achieving this idea. The leaders of the group have always in their statements flirted with world powers, which were represented by the British occupation...
The Muslim Brotherhood is restricting the activities of many of its best young members. A decision was issued to expel Mokhtar Nuh and freeze the membership of Sayyed Abdel Sattar Fatah, the assistant secretary-general of the Syndicate of Scientists. It is not a coincidence these people belong to a...
A lot of youth in Upper Egypt joined the Islamic group of Al-Tabligh wa Al-Da’wa. These youths claim that they are preaching the ways of God, but they have no credentials that qualify them to preach. The members of the group in fact do not care about politics and the regime. They belittle the...


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