Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 2656.
Father Marcos Aziz Khalil comments on the issue of homosexuality in the light of the teachings of the Holy Bible. He stresses that it is a sin which Christianity condemns and is totally against. He also comments on the Biblical characteristics that a person should have to be a bishop. He wants to...
The author comments on the reasons behind closing the Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow up. The center was accused of anti-Semitism.
The author comments on the conditions of Muslims in Spain, the first mosque to be established in Granada five centuries after Muslims were driven out of Spain. There are 200,000 Muslims in Spain, including many new converts to Islam. Some examples of new Muslims are given.
The article comments on the activities and the structure of the Qa’ida network after the September 11 attacks, in relation to the US anti-terrorism war.
El-Sawi comments on the writings of American journalist Friedman on Arabs and Muslims. He concentrates on Friedman’s latest article published in the New York Times. Friedman suggested “formulating new Islamic principles.” In a sarcastic tone, al-Sawi calls these new principles “Islam according to...
The author refutes the claims that Islam poses a danger to Western civilization.
Say that terrorist cells in the world would hold a conference to find a way to respond to the policies of the US what would they do? They would decide that killing cannot be combated except by killing. The author says that such situation, although imaginary, is very probable. He believes that the...
The author comments on what he believes is an American attack on Islam, which started with the September 11 disaster. He believes that there a Western campaign to secularize Islam and turn it into a Christian form that accepts separation of religion and state.
Christian missionary groups have increased in the north of Iraq. Some sources revealed that there is a coinciding phenomenon, that is kidnapping Iraqi children and youth and sending them to Italy. Families of those children and youth believe that they have been sent to Italy by missionary groups.
The review deals with some repercussions of the Danish cartoons, deemed by Muslims worldwide as offensive.


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