Date of source: Saturday, September 13, 2003
The text comments on the spread of homosexuality among Roman Catholic clergy and discusses the medical problems around homosexuality. It reports the attitudes of human rights organizations as well as those of Pope John Paul II and Pope Shenouda III toward the issue.
Date of source: Monday, September 15, 2003
The article describes the wedding of the elder son of Abu Hamza Al-Masri, the leader of Ansar Al-Shari´a group, based in London. Many Islamists, including westerners, were present in the wedding and all the songs they sung were about jihad. In the word he gave at the wedding, Abu Hamza urged...
Date of source: Sunday, July 6, 2003
Ahmad Shaheen interviewed former member of the Dutch parliament Judith Belinfante. She is leading an alliance for the sake of peace, including Palestinians and Muslims. Dutch parliament member Zsolt Zabo? represents the VVD and is from Hungarian origin. The MP with two nationalities beliefs...
Date of source: Saturday, September 13, 2003
The writer interviews Muslim intellectual Dr. Murad Hofmann. The interview discusses issues of: renewing the religious discourse, status of the Islamic world, correcting the image of Muslims, and improving methods of presenting concepts and teachings of Islam in the Western world.
Date of source: Friday, September 12, 2003
The author comments on what he believes is a US attack on Islam that started with the disaster on September 11.
Date of source: Monday, September 15, 2003
The author comments on the negative effects of the attacks of September 11 on Islam and Muslims. He also argued associating Islam with terrorism is an unjust accusation. Still, he believes that the West is not to be blamed for its perspective on Islam. Actually, Muslims should blame themselves for...
Date of source: Friday, September 12, 2003
The Sheikh of the Azhar said that the Azhar rejects the theory of clashes between civilizations. He also stressed that Muslims and Christians in Egypt are living in peace.
Date of source: Sunday, September 14, 2003
The writer discusses with the Mufti of Eritrea the issue of Muslim-non-Muslim relations [Editor: Eritrea is about 50% Muslim and 50% Christian, relations between Muslims and Christians in the country are generally very good].
Date of source: Friday, September 5, 2003
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdel-Aziz called upon Muslims and Christians in Russia to keep the unity of their society and combat any force that tries to create division between the two religions.
Date of source: Thursday, September 4, 2003
The author wonders whether the US knows God as it claims and whether God accepts what it claims. In the light of the teachings of the Holy Bible, he states that American´s actions are so far from mercy. See also: Arts. 33&34: reference to the stand of the Orthodox Church against...