Displaying 111 - 120 of 2656.
Issues related to anti-Semitism are discussed in four of the papers of this week. Most articles question the connection established between criticizing Israel and anti- Semitism. See also art. 2 and 3
One of the issues that surfaced after September 11 is the issue of "religious discourse" and its importance in showing that Islam is not a religion of violence and terrorism. Articles covered in this press review show what kind of religious discourse is needed today and whether there are Western...
Websites run by fundamentalists published the editorial of the issue No. 60 of the ?Al- Mujahidun? publication, the mouthpiece of the Egyptian Jihad group. It is written by Ayman Al-Zawahri and speaks about Jihad.
Questioning the religious dimension of the war on Iraq is the focus of many articles covering the war. Different publications shed light on Bush’s religious background in an effort to establish a link between his religious tendencies and the war. Others wonder whether the war is a new crusade...
Egyptian papers gave much space to the different opinions about the controversial fatwa of Sheikh Al-Eish which incriminated dealing with the Iraqi Transitional Ruling Council. They also comment on the reaction to the fatwa within American political circles. The fatwa raised many questions about...
List or articles printed in Al-Hayat and Asharq Al-Awsat and October magazine on the passing of Prof. Dr. Annemarie Schimmel.
Two events led Al-Usboa, Al-Arabi and Watani to comment on the issue of democracy and the American intervention in the domestic affairs of Egypt. These events are the decision of the US Senate to allocate $2 million, cut from the American aid to Egypt, to Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his Ibn Khaldoun...
The religious dimension of the war on Iraq has been and still is the focus of articles covering the war. This is in addition to news items about Kurdish Islamic groups being attacked by the US and comments on fundamentalist Islam in the light of the war. For the first time, the role of the media or...
The overview covers different articles that deal with the role religion plays in the life of President Bush and how it impacts his foreign policy and whether the US war on Iraq is a crusade. It also refers to the theory of clashes between civilizations.
Egyptian papers are giving much space to news about the anticipated war on Iraq. Some articles tackle the morality of the war and others discuss the issue from a religious point of view.


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