Displaying 1461 - 1470 of 2656.
European countries are dealing with the Muslim community in the same way that they dealt with the Jews in the past. This eventually led to the Nazi Holocaust. What is indifference towards Islam in the beginning will turn into disdain, suspicion and finally hostility. Most European legislations – in...
Bosnia’s Muslims, who are of European origin, were brutally murdered in genocide massacres by Serbs. If such torture can befall a European - but Muslim - group, what happened to Asian and Arab Muslims who came into Europe over the last century?
Muslims living in western communities need a policy that guarantees their social integration, especially now that racial and religious diversity are to be part of the fabric of Europe in the future. However, Muslims are aware that they are not welcome in societies that are rife with racism and...
Militarized Islamist fundamentalism, or what is now known as al-Qācida, is responsible for all this death and destruction. They were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar el Salaam in 1998, which killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians.
Forget words like "we" or "they". The matter involves all of us. London, Beirut, and Sharm el-Sheikh all suffered attacks within less than 48 hours. Forget ‘Muslim’, ‘Christian’ or ‘Jew’; ‘believer’ or ‘disbeliever’; ‘east’ or ‘west’. No place is safe from terrorism.
It is high time that a fatwa was issued judging Usāma Bin Lādin and his disciples non-Muslims. We actually need a spate of counter-fatwas to confirm that Islam condemns violence against the innocent.
The West is now facing the challenge of how to deal with Muslims and how to differentiate between different Islamic trends. This problem does not only concern official authorities. It involves ordinary people with varied ways of life and points of view.
All religious and atheist people agree that killing oneself with the objective of killing dozens of civilian victims is not justified by any heavenly religion. All religions assert the sanctity of the human soul and forbid killing. Suicide is a sign of how far a person is from God and humanity.
Some American newspapers are relentlessly waging an attack on Egypt for no reason. The Washington Post is one of the loudest voices criticizing the Egyptian government.
One of the issues discussed during the seminar about reform in Egypt held in Montreal was how a minority social or cultural group might find suitable positions in state institutions.


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