Date of source: Friday, November 28, 2003
The article is an interview with Saad Eddin Ibrahim over the news that the US has allocated to his Ibn Khaldoun Center $2 million, cut from the American aid to Egypt and his recent visit to the US. He also commented on the latest speech of the American president, especially his words about...
Date of source: Monday, December 1, 2003
The author complains that during the month of Ramadan a couple of issues were met with complete silence from Egyptian media. Some of these issues that he comments on in his article are: the decision of the American Congress to allocate $2 million cut from American aid to Egypt to the Ibn Khaldoun...
Date of source: Saturday, November 22, 2003
The article shows the distribution of religions among US population and shows how the concept separation of religion and state works there. The most important religion in the US is Christianity, which includes Protestantism and Catholicism. Judaism and Islam, respectively, come after Christianity,...
Date of source: Thursday, December 4, 2003 to Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Saad Eddin Ibrahim struck back 29 November against what he termed a "campaign of hatred" conducted in the Egyptian press against himself and the Ibn Khaldoun Center, but not before members of the center´s board resigned amidst a firestorm of press criticism of Ibrahim. Art. 3 – we weren´t...
Date of source: Thursday, November 27, 2003
The new press campaign against Saadeddin Ibrahim has been as flimsy on evidence as previous allegations against the prominent democracy activist ..questioning his integrity. News coverage of a potential US decision to allocate $2 million to Ibrahim´s Ibn Khaldoun Centre for Development Studies (...
Date of source: Wednesday, November 26, 2003
For the past ten days, Egyptian news media have been circulating wild and unfounded stories aimed to discredit the newly reopened Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies. Al-Usbua newspaper devoted three pages to attacks on the "Zionist-American settlement in Muqattam" and claims that Dr. Saad...
Date of source: Saturday, November 22, 2003
Wearing the hijab [the veil covering a woman´s hair] has become an adventure, and sometimes it is a crime, due to racism and discrimination against Muslims in the West. This is the result of the experience of the journalist Caroline Fontine of Paris Match magazine. She wore the hijab for three...
Date of source: Saturday, November 22, 2003
The article is about a book entitled “The New Enmity for Islam,” by French author Vincent Jesseir. The book has caused a lot of argument within political, cultural and media circles in France as it deals with a very sensitive issue in the French society today. The author discusses the enmity...
Date of source: Monday, November 24, 2003
The article is an analysis of the anti-Islam statement given by the head of the Pentagon intelligence General William Boykin. The author states that similar anti-Islam statements were delivered by American politicians, pastors, writers and senators, which increases hostility to the United States by...
Date of source: Tuesday, November 25, 2003
The article reports on the annual meeting of the Brotherhood International Organization, held in Qatar. Such meeting put forth questions on the role of Qatar, the new trends within the Brotherhood organization, and the American-Brotherhood dialogue. There was a European-Brotherhood dialogue in...