Displaying 971 - 980 of 2656.
The author of the article argues that at the time Western countries are claiming they want Arab and Muslim countries to enjoy freedom of expression based on genuine democratic systems that guarantee political freedoms and human rights, they seek to muzzle the mouths of Arabs and Muslims each time...
The US Administration accused religious schools in many Arab and Islamic countries of promoting terrorist ideas and graduating generations of terrorists. Acquainted sources in Washington said that the Secretary of Defense and his deputy have lately raised a very sensitive issue, which is whether...
The board of the Journalists Syndicate issued a statement in which it expressed full condemnation of the provoking statements of the American ambassador on the Egyptian press. The ambassador recently accused the Egyptian press of aggressiveness, deception and breaking media conventions. He launched...
The author comments on the health of Pope John Paul II and his expected successor.
Renewing the religious discourse is a complicated issue. First, it is needed to avoid having a gap between the Islamic Shari´a and the needs of the changing life. At the same time, it is one of the issues which the US Administration exploits to pressure Islamic countries.
Security sources expressed concern at the mounting activities of the US Embassy and its media bureau in Upper Egypt over the past two years. Security departments reported that 37 American organizations are active in Minia only. According to a secret report of the CIA, Minia is the key to Upper...
The American ambassador in Cairo, David Welch, launched a new attack on the Egyptian press, accusing it of aggressiveness, violating ethic conduct and carrying out criticism that is not based on facts. He believes the Egyptian press criticizes American policy based on false information.
The tragedy of Salman Rushdi´s book "Satanic Verses,” and the ensuing fatwa to kill Rushdi, has reoccurred in Canada. A young Muslim author, Irshad Mangi, has written a book entitled "The Trouble with Islam." Mangi criticizes Qur´anic verses severely, isolates them from their context, and...
The article comments on the issue of wearing the hijab in France and Iran. The author gives examples of Muslim women in France who insist on wearing the hijab, and of Iranian women who believe that the hijab is a sign of oppression.
The article is an overview and a comment on an interview with Dr. Nawal Al-Sa´adawi published on the Elaf website. Al-Sa´adawi answered questions on the concept of a religious state, marriage, pilgrimage, hijab and male-female relations. The author notes that the ideas Al-Sa´adawi...


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