Displaying 421 - 430 of 1013.
A new war has been launched between veiled and unveiled actresses in finding a place in the over-busy schedule of the Egyptian TV during Ramadān. The veiled stars attack officials of the Egyptian TV for preventing their serials, claiming it is a conspiracy against Islam and hijāb.
A new bill amending some of the articles of the Hamaiouni law which is concerned with building churches is allegedly being discussed.
Subtitle: 1- An Islamic preacher says on the Internet: Christians deceive Muslims by building churches in the form of mosques 2- A Christian Internet site called “Wild Christianity” specializes in attacking Islam 3- Internet sites for the books and essays of: El Karadawy, Said Kotb, Ibn...
President Housni Moubarak gave a comprehensive political speech to Al-Ahram newspaper last week. This speech dealt with the president’s viewpoints concerning the most important internal and external issues and was clear and self- evident. Yet the problems of the Copts, and their aspirations for the...
Initially Dr. Abdel Fatah Ali, former minister of health, forbade the circumcision of girls by unqualified persons, in other words, recognizing that medical practitioners could do the job. Nevertheless, especially among doctors, opposition to female circumcision is strong. Dr. Ismail Salam, Dr. Ali...
Michael ‘Ādil looks back on the main events of the year for the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The article discusses the way the church deals with sinning Christians, particularly girls. Christian clerics say the church always keeps the door open for girls who have sinned with Christian men, but girls who have sinned with non-Christian men are advised to keep away and receive intensive...
A study carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs showed that there are twenty-one thousand children in Egypt who have no name, identity or legal existence. These children are the outcome of ‘urfī or unofficial marriages in which the father refuses to acknowledge the paternity of his...
Marsīl Mahnī is the first woman to take up a clerical leadership position within the Episcopal Church in Egypt.
Prominent Azhar scholars express their views about forcing young girls to wear the khimār.


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