Displaying 601 - 610 of 1013.
The author read the Administrative Court’s ruling permitting three presenters from the Alexandria television channel to appear on screen wearing hijāb [veil covering a woman’s hair]. The court’s judgment considered the decision taken by the Minister of Information a violation to the principle of "...
The production and sales of hijāb clothes will definitely increase with the increase in numbers of veiled women. Having veiled presenters on screen will help the spread of the hijāb because presenters, from the social point of view, are trendsetters.
After the court’s decision that some presenters could reappear on screen with hijāb [veil covering the woman’s hair], it is important to know the reasons why these presenters have chosen to wear the hijāb. Is it because of fashion? Were they influenced by certain ideas or by personal circumstances...
The court’s judgment that presenters who wear the hijāb [veil covering a woman’s hair] would reappear on Alexandria television channel brought the Maspiro case concerning the hijāb back into the spotlight. Officials are now faced with a choice: will they accept having veiled presenters on screen or...
Al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī interviewed Shaykh Yousuf al-Qaradāwī and discussed some Islamic issues including the indispensability of the Hijāb in Islam.
The Misyār marriage is an Islamic marriage that has emerged as life circumstances have changed. Dr. Muhammad al-Mukhtār al-Mahdī, a professor at the Azhar University [discipline not mentioned], says that “linguistically speaking, the Misyār means ’to drop by’.”
News of the inauguration of the first female priest in France yet adds to the shock waves sent to Egypt’s Orthodox Church from the West, after past announcements on the ordainment of a homosexual priest, the sanctioning of same-sex marriage and late Pope John Paul II’s statements exculpating the...
When Dr. Amīna Wadoud designated herself as an Imām, leading the “American” Muslims who followed her, in a Friday prayer in New York, the Arabic and Islamic world flamed up with rage. The ulemas flared up and their appetites for issuing fatwas increased.
The women leading men in prayers; the odd interpretations of al-Nisā’ [Women] chapter of the Qur’ān, regarding the guardianship of the men over women; the desertion and the claim that God, god forbidden, is biasing for men because He is a male, all these controversies that have triggered uproar...
The Alexandria Administrative Court ruled the cancellation of the decision of the former Minister of Information banning three presenters from appearing on TV with their veils on. [Similar news item was published by al-Wafd on July 6, 2005, p.1, al-Akhbār on July 6, 2005, p.18, al-Liwā’ al-Islāmī...


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