Displaying 761 - 770 of 1013.
A criticism of Farida Al-Naqash’s article in Al-Ahali newspaper on “Renewing religious thought.” Farida Al-Naqash wrote a review about a book of Iqbal Baraka who argued that the veil is not a religious duty. The writer stresses that those who believe that the veil is not a religious obligation are...
Scholars agree that what religion asks of women is to cover all their body except their face and hands. The dress women should wear should not be tight on their body and should not be transparent. This is the dress code that we all agree on today. The Qur’anic verses concerning women’s dress do not...
A German [Southern] state of Baden-Wuerttemberg yesterday endorsed a law banning teachers from wearing the veil in public schools, but the same law allows Christian and Jewish symbols. This [law] foretells an outbreak of debate similar to that witnessed in France. The governments of six states want...
Muhammad Al-Baz has many stories about ladies who wear the niqab [veil covering the whole of a woman’s face or all except the eyes] and da’iyas [men who calls for Islam.] I agree with you, dear Al-Baz, that many people abuse religion, and I appreciate the efforts you exert in order to expose those...
The British Ministry of Interior announced that it would exempt Muslim girls from placing their photos on their new identity cards that the government is seeking to issue in an attempt to try to wipe out the fears of the Muslim community concerning the aim of these new IDs. The Muslim Council of...
Muhammad Abdel Qodous issued a statement as head of the Committee of Freedom affiliated with the Journalists’ Syndicate in which he supported the female broadcasters of Channel 5 who were suspended and moved to administrative jobs for taking the hijab [veil]. The statement also mentioned that the...
About 12 imams have been arrested and deported from France since June 2003 because of their extremist ideologies. According to official statistics in France, there are about 32 mosques and zawya [small mosque attached to buildings] under the control of fundamentalist groups [in France] with an...
Since the banned group of the Muslim Brotherhood took over the Doctors’ Syndicate, as well as other syndicates, these syndicates have no longer been open to all members. There is only one voice that can be heard in the Doctors’ Syndicate that is the voice of the Brotherhood. It seems that the...
Today, women and men adopt the Islamic dress to advertise a stand. In my opinion, the veil is a curtain that hides those who wear it from the outside world. We know for sure that the veil started to spread after the defeat of 1967. The dreams of youth who grew up with the Nasserite principles and...
This article is a response to an article by Dr. Hussein Ahmad Amin, See AWR 2004, week 22, art.15] The eminent writer Hussein Ahmad Amin confuses between the niqab [a veil that covers the whole body except the eyes] and the hijab [the headscarf]. The few women who wear the niqab take a stand from...


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