Date of source: Monday, October 29, 2018
Eildert Mulder takes issue with Janneke Stegeman’s claim of “the myth of religiously motivated violence.” Of course, there is more than only religiously motivated violence, but Islamic extremists have demonstrated that Islamic inspired violence exists, however much this is despised by the great...
Date of source: Sunday, July 8, 2012
[Reviewer’s Note: Article II of the Egyptian Constitution reads, “Islam is the official religion of the state, Arabic its official language and the principles of Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation”. Salafists seek removing the word ‘principles’ or replacing it with the word ‘...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The court will also consider another challenge requesting the banning of the Muslim Brotherhood group, halting all its activities and closing down all its headquarters and property for its failure to obtain a license from the ministry of social solidarity to practice its activities in violation of...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 15, 2012
In his election platform, presidential candidate Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awā said Egyptians are equal before the law, adding any discrimination among Egyptian citizens on the basis of religion, ethnicity or sex is a crime that has to be punishable by the law. [Muná Abū Sakīn, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 9] ...
Date of source: Sunday, May 13, 2012
A wrangling erupted on Saturday (May 12) between veteran journalist Farīdah al-Shūbāshī and ‘Abd al-Zāhir Mufīd, the secretary of political education at the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), during a seminar hosted by the ministry of social affairs on drama handling of issues of...
Date of source: Friday, May 25, 2012
“Citizens are trapped between a rock and a hard place. They will have to choose only between the fulūl (remnants of the former regime) or Islamist groups. Citizens voted for Shafīq not because he is the most efficient but rather to avoid brining the Muslim Brotherhood to power,” said Harīrī in...
Date of source: Monday, January 7, 2013
Pope Tawadros received congratualtory phone calls from both President Mursī and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, Muhammad Badīꞌ, to greet him for Christmas.
According to al-Misrī al-Yawm, many Muslims manifested their solidarity with their Christian countrymen by attending Christmas all over...
Date of source: Saturday, January 5, 2013
After performing yesterday’s (Jan. 4) Friday prayers, youth members of various political forces and parties marched from ‘Umar Makram Mosque to the Coptic Evangelical Church of Qasr al-Dubārah to extend their Christmas greetings to Copts. Led by the imām of said Mosque, Shaykh Mazhar Shahīn, also...
Date of source: Friday, January 4, 2013
In a statement on the “Sawt Al-Salaf” or the “Voice of Salaf” video footage, Dr. Yāsir Burhāmī issued a religious edict (fatwá) saying that ”Muslims who oppose the Sharī’ah-based Constitution are hypocrites, even if they fast and pray according to Islamic rules and consider themselves Muslims”. ...
Date of source: Saturday, April 21, 2012
Last March's attack by Algerian-descent Frenchman Mohamed Merah in the French city of Toulouse, which left seven people killed, before the police killed the assailant in a gunfight, has overshadowed the election battle in France, bringing to the forefron home security as a central election issue....