Date of source: Sunday, July 8, 2007
The author reviews a publication entitled, ‘Treasures of Coptic Art,’ that was released concurrently with the re-opening of the Coptic Museum in Cairo. She highlights factors of the book.
Date of source: Sunday, June 17, 2007
The article presents an overview of Coptic art that was displayed in the British Museum in an exhibition entitled, “La Bouche du Roi,” from March 22 to May 13.
Date of source: Sunday, May 6, 2007
The article discusses a plan to further develop Coptic Studies at Claremont Graduate University, and points to a number of individuals, students and Coptic figures, who both support the program and see the potential for increasing Coptic awareness around the globe.
Date of source: Sunday, April 29, 2007
The author discusses Coptic iconography over time, as well as the significant contributions of a number of renowned Coptic iconographers.
Date of source: Sunday, March 25, 2007
A review of a showcase of Coptic Iconic art held in Paris. The ’Icones Coptes’ show displayed 52 icons by 17 artists from the Fanūs School of Iconic art.
Date of source: Sunday, March 11, 2007
There are a number of icons that have been taken to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles and are on display there. The author reminds us that an icon serves as an important window for faith and is more than simply a picture that is used to teach the holy stories.
Date of source: Wednesday, December 27, 2000
Father Matta Al-Maskeen asked the Ministers of Agriculture and Culture to intervene in executing a demolition decree on a farm exporting ducks’ livers. The farm is established on land nearby the monastery of Makarios in Wadi Al- Natrun with its many Coptic antiquities.
Date of source: Tuesday, July 25, 2000
An antique copy of the Qur’an, going back to the eleventh century, which was written in gold ink, was found when an effort was made to smuggle it from Istanbul to London. The British police is trying to know the details of the smuggling attempt.
Date of source: Wednesday, August 25, 1999
His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday [August 24, 1999] inaugurated the memorial site of one of Prophet Mohammad’s companions in the central Jordan Valley region in Deir Alaa. The ceremony, attended by senior officials and Muslim clergy from different Arab states, is part of the Kingdom’s endeavor...
Date of source: Monday, July 19, 1999
A U.S. religious scholar and reverend said on Sunday that Jordan’s recent discovery of the baptism site used by Jesus Christ is "the greatest" archaeological landmark of Christian history. Reverend Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral in the United States, also pledged to promote the site to...