Displaying 51 - 60 of 140.
The removal of the “Four Rams” from the Karnak Temple in Luxor, Upper Egypt, to Taḥrīr Square in central Cairo has continued to stir controversy in Egypt with some opposed to the step while others welcoming it.
The Tourism and Aviation Committee of the House of Representatives commended Prime Minister Dr. Muṣṭafā Madbūlī’s inspection of the first phase of development on the entrance to the Saint Catherine Monastery and the surrounding area. The project has been implemented at a cost of £40 million EGP....
Archeologist Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, general director of research and archeological studies and scientific publications in south of Sinai, confirmed that the library in Saint Catherine’s Monastery is considered the second most important collection of manuscripts following the Vatican. In a...
Since President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī took office in Egypt, he has taken care to achieve the principle of citizenship and defeat any effort to divide citizens not through scripted phrases but through serious work and emphasizing the unity of the Egyptian people.  
Archeologist Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, general director of Research, Archaeological Studies, and Scientific Publishing for the archeological sites in southern Sinai, confirmed that pilgrimage to the sacred Ṭūwā Valley in Sinai began when St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, went on pilgrimage...
In this article historian Mājid Kāmil, Senior Researcher at the Egyptian National Library and Archives, speaks about Dr. Bāhūr Labīb as one of the world leaders in Coptology. Dr. Pahor Labib [Bāhūr Labīb], one of the most famous scholars of Coptic Studies in Egypt and the world, was born on...
On Friday, Minister of Endowments Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jum’ah and Major General Arkan Harb ʿĀdil al-Ghadbān, Governor of Port Said, opened the Islamic complex in Port Fouad, after the completion of maintenance work which cost LE4. 6 million and was split between the Endowments Ministry and the Suez...
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced the closure of all museums and archaeological sites from March 23 until March 31, in order to sanitize, disinfect, and apply safety and precautionary measures. This comes in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Population and in accordance...
British Ambassador Geoffrey Adams, along with his wife, visited the Virgin Monastery, Jabal al-Ṭayr, in Samālūṭ, Minyā governorate. They were received by Rev. Fr. Dāwūd, the secretary of Samālūṭ Archdiocese, Fr. Theophilus [Thāʾūfīlus], and Rev. Fr. Mattā from the ancient Church of the Virgin Mary...
The BA Centre for Coptic Studies, in cooperation with the Sennari House [Bayt al-Sinārī] in Cairo, organizes the fifth annual day for Coptic Heritage, under the title ‘Coptic heritage and Egyptians throughout History.’


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