Displaying 901 - 910 of 1247.
The Egyptian churches have agreed not to seek a ban on Dan Brown’s controversial movie but will instead launch anti-Da- Vinci-Code campaign.
An interview with Mustafa al- Zayyāt, member of al-Jam‘āt al- Islāmīya and the main attorney defending those accused of Islamic fundamentalism, concerning Ayman al-Zawāhirī whom he knew very well from the days they spent together in al-Qal‘a Prison.
Elizabeth Yell reviews an article, given to AWR by Dr. ‘Alī al- Simmām, head of the Committee of Dialogue and Islamic Relations in the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs, which he found to be highly significant on the changing attitude of the Vatican towards Christians in the Middle East.
The importance and ideas of CIDT. New Coptic Catholic Patriarch Bishop Antonius Najīb will continue recommending AWR work. Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, founder and director of the Barnabas Fund, on Islam which differs from AWR that advocates an understanding of Islam that is non-confrontational and...
‘Abd al- Rahīm ‘Alī traces the history of the emergency law in Egypt. He also examines the terrorist attacks that rocked Egypt from 1981 through 1990, arguing that the emergency law failed to defeat terrorism.
The author reviews a visit paid by former Dutch Prime Minister Professor Andreas Van Agt to Egypt to launch the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU), his lecture and his meetings with Egyptian officials, religious leaders and intellectuals.
The article deals with the killing of a terrorist who masterminded the Dahab chain of bombings that claimed the lives of scores of Egyptians and foreigners and wounded others and the arrest of his aide.
AWR asked our former intern Maria Roeder, a student of media science at the University of Jena in Germany, to summarize a study commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Interior about Austrian media reporting on Muslims and about media from countries with Muslim majorities reporting about...
Articles following the visit of Prof. van Agt. Media being selective in reporting issues. Current media reporting does not enhance integration of Muslims within European societies.
Highlights of the meeting held at El-Sawy Culture Wheel on May 7, 2006, to launch the CAWU website, including a welcome address by Mr. Muhammad al-Sāwī, comments from former ministers Dr. Mamdouh al- Biltājī, Mr. Ahmed Māhir, Dr. Ahmad Juwaylī, head of the Protestant Community Council Dr. Safwat al...


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