Displaying 941 - 950 of 1248.
The French magazine L’Express has published a controversial article entitled "La Bible, le Vrai et le Faux" [The Bible: Truth and Forgery] with a front-page photo of American actor, Charlton Heston, as Moses in the film The Ten Commandments. The author of the article has raised many questions about...
Ihāb ‘Abd al-Hamīd examines the origins of the word Holocaust and discusses one source of Nazi ideology.
Ihāb ‘Abd al-Hamīd argues that although the victims of the Holocaust were primarily Jews, others groups regarded as undesirable were also murdered and persecuted, including gay men, Soviet prisoners of war, gypsies and disabled people.
Dr. Wolfram Reiss discusses the obstacles and opportunities identified by a German project and accompanying international dialogue on the revision of school textbooks in the Middle East, in terms of their treatment of Christianity.
Since Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif took over as murshid [guide] of Egypt’s outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in 2004, the group has seemed more politicized than ever. The group has participated, directly or indirectly, in the political actions and dialogue, played its part in the reform process, and expressed...
Judge Labīb Halīm Labīb claims that there is a U.S. conspiracy to break up the Arab world by stirring up discord and igniting sectarian sedition.
German scholar Dr. Wolfram Reiss on school textbooks in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey and Iran. Inflammatory and uninvestigated claims about Christian girls being kidnapped. Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mahdī ākif denies the Holocaust.
An article about the Muslim Brotherhood’s intent to establish a state that has a religious, and not civil nature, and the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood towards the Copts.
The Egyptian authorities have started a large-scale arrest campaign against members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, but the reasons for the detentions remain unclear to most observers.
Five–day visit of Prof. Dr. van Agt to Egypt in support of the development of CAWU. The real test of freedom of thought. The Holocaust denial of David Irving.


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