Displaying 751 - 760 of 1028.
Christianity Today, a major US publication, published a highly distorted article on Christians in Egypt, making claims that are simply false or cannot be substantiated. Christianity Today based itself on material obtained from Operation World and other sources. Operation World admits they must have...
Al-Usbua´s reporting about US interference in Egyptian curricula is the result of polarization between US-government and Egyptian authors who no longer trust information of US government sources. These authors are basing their information on sources they trust but this may result in...
The Minister of Interior says that the Brotherhood wants to have a political role in spite of everybody’s well-being and that the Al-Qai’da Network announced it has plans for specific goals. He adds that the police thwarted a plan of the Jihad group and the court ruling on this case will be made...
Overview of a report by Human Rights Watch on hate crimes against Arabs and Muslims. The report says that anti-Muslim hate crimes in the US rose 1700 percent during 2001.
Establishing foundations for a democracy that allows public freedom is a huge challenge. It can only be achieved by removing all practices and aspects of society which obstruct freedom such as emergency laws or restrictions regarding the formation of parties and NGOs. Freedom of assembly and...
A Christian-Zionist church in the U.S. has encouraged an agent to obtain a license from the U.S., allowing him to establish a church in Egypt without the permission of to the leadership of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Responses of how the Islamic world could respond to rapid changes and developments. Critique on fake muftīs who issue eccentric and controversial fatwas on satellite television.
An American Egyptian movie suggests that Christ found the Pyramids disgusting and considered it statues and Herod’s Soldiers Arabs.
The attacks and hostilities against Islam have manipulated the rhetoric and agenda of the third conference of the Islamic Sharīʿa Forum in the United States, which was held in the state of Sokto, Nigeria.
Militarized Islamist fundamentalism, or what is now known as al-Qācida, is responsible for all this death and destruction. They were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar el Salaam in 1998, which killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians.


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