Date of source: Saturday, April 20, 2002
Osama Salama´s words are sharp, full of anger about Coptic emigrants. People in Egypt, other Arab countries, Europe, the US and Israel itself protest against the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. But where are the voices of the emigrant Copts and Arab Christians? We checked the Copts...
Date of source: Monday, April 15, 2002
Media critique on the Palestinian issue in the Egyptian Press.
Meeting with Bible Society director Ramez Atallah about the way the Bible has been translated into Arabic.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 12, 2002
The Reformatorisch Dagblad, a Dutch daily, reported on February 11 about the fear of Bishop Botros that an army unit would cause damage to his project for handicapped children at Patmos. This did not happen but the Bishop´s fear was based on his experiences with the same army unit (but with a...
Date of source: Monday, February 4, 2002
The general secretary of the Tagammu party, Dr. Rifa´at al-Sa´id accused Montasser Al-Zayyat of writing “Al-Zawahri as I knew him” to settle his account with Al-Zawahri. He said that the book justified terrorism. Al-Zayyat said that the book was a review of the Islamic movements and their positions...
Date of source: Friday, January 25, 2002
Bishop Mounir Anis, Episcopal Bishop of Egypt, sent us the following documents: - Archbishop to sign Anglican-Muslim agreement, - Text of the dialogue agreement between al-Azhar al-Sharif and the Anglican Communion, - Speech delivered at the American Embassy in Cairo for the Memorial Service of 11...
Date of source: Thursday, February 23, 2006
The head of Der Spiegel’s office in Cairo interviews the Egyptian Nobel laureate novelist Najīb Mahfouz, who gives his views on some controversial matters such as the Arab-West conflict and the freedom of expression.
Date of source: Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Discussion at the AUC about news ethics and objectivity, moderated by Drs. Hulsman.
The importance of translation for intercultural understanding.
Critique on an article that claims Copts are raped, murdered and persecuted because of their religion.
Date of source: Thursday, February 2, 2006
Egyptian Interior Minister, Habīb al-‘Ādlī speaks out on a number of controversial issues, including the surprise win of Hamās in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, claims about the deaths of 19 detainees in Egyptian prisons and the increasing role of the Muslim Brotherhood on the political...
Date of source: Sunday, February 5, 2006
President of the U.S. Copts Association, Michael Munīr, has been severely criticized over his recent visit to Egypt and his meeting with a number of top officials. A number of expatriate Coptic activists have seen Munīr’s visit as "an act of betrayal of the Coptic cause.” Others have regarded the...
Date of source: Thursday, February 2, 2006
The article gives an account and a brief history of the most influential contemporary figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, particularly those in the Irshād [Guidance] Office.