Displaying 101 - 110 of 1776.
Khālid ʿAmrū, the defense lawyer in the case regarding the young Palestinian girl Isrāʾ Gharīb whose death sparked outrage in 2019, has confirmed that the release of the three people accused has been postponed until next week. In a special statement to Erem News ʿAmrū stated, “The Public...
The King ʿAbd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz’s International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) organized a workshop in collaboration with the European Network for Dialogue, a platform created three years ago in partnership with the KAICIID. The workshop, which took place on...
Dr. Māyā Mūrsī, president of the National Council for Women (NCW), participated in the opening of the 40th session of the Arab Women Committee. The session, entitled “The Social Affairs Sector – Women, Family, and Children”, was headed by the Republic of Djibouti and organized by the Arab League....
In a few words, Muslim Brotherhood journalist Ḥamza Zawbaʿ announced that he would disappear from the media scene in Turkey, in order to join his colleagues Muʿtaz Maṭar and Muḥammad Nāṣir.
Ahmed Tatawi, a wealthy young Egyptian, speaks in this interview about the economic situation of the Egyptian people, inequality and the economic background of the country. He also speaks of interesting events he experienced. Ahmed Tatawi lived in six countries and currently resides in Saudi Arabia...
Over the last few decades, comparisons have continuously been drawn between Israel and its policies and the system of South African apartheid.
This research explores the question as to how Wasatia as an Islamist movement seeks to represen
Interview with Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, Founder of the Wasatia Movement in Palestine and Director of the Wasatia Academic Institute in Jerusalem. Conducted by former CAWU intern Janneke Wijman on May 5th, 2020, via online platform Zoom. Both Janneke Wijman and Dr. Dajani Daoudi agreed...
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Egyptian Family House (Bayt al-ʿĀʾila), the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, criticized the "New Abrahamic religion”, describing it as “a pipe dream”. His statements revived a debate that has been on and off for more than a year on social media.
Maryam remembers herself and her female classmates sitting on the school benches when they were no older than four or five, but in the nineties, they lost years of education during the rule of the Taliban [Ṭālibān]. In the opinion of the young woman of Afghanistan, the same situation is returning...


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