Displaying 1751 - 1760 of 1779.
The Priest David Benjamin Caldani converted to Islam and wrote a book called ’Muhammad in the Holy Book’ in which he explains how he came to convert to Islam.
The question has been raised whether the American military strike against what were described as Osama Bin Laden’s bases in Afghanistan on August 17 will force the Taliban movement to clamp down on the Saudi dissident and his Arab-Afghan associates.
Iran has disarmed against its number one public enemy Salman Rushdie who was hunted by the Fatwa (Islamic religious decree) declared by the late Ayatollah Khomeni, and issued more than nine years ago.
The recent agreement between Britain and Iran revokes the ’Fatwa’(Islamic Decree) asking for the blood of Salman Rushdie who was denounced as an apostate by the late Ayatollah Khomeni.
Montasser El-Zayat, generally acknowledged as lawyer and spokesman of the radical Gama’at al-Islamiya, explains in an interview the dynamics within the extremist groups. He asks for a dialogue with these groups.
Also Al-Osbua gives a background on Osama Bin Laden and his former connections with the US.
A brief history of Al-Jihad organization.
In the RNSAW of June 27 - July 1 1998, a translation was given of an article of Fikriya Ahmed in El-Wafd 27, titled ’The Dutch intelligence condemns Muslims in its annual report’. The RNSAW obtained the text of the summary of this report and translated it for our readers.
Sheikh Sha’arawi was the foremost television preacher and was able to influence millions. Sha’arawi’s aim was to maintain traditional religious values in society through convincing people to adhere to these values. The authors believe he died at a time that the tide of religious conservatism may...
An autobiography of the phenomenal preacher. The translator added the references to many other articles which appeared about sheikh Sha’arawi in the Egyptian press.


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