Displaying 511 - 520 of 1779.
Background: Cornelis Hulsman was invited by Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of the Barnabas Fund in the UK to attend a Christian conference in Cyprus that dealt with the position of Christians in various predominantly Muslim countries. He interviewed numerous of Christians at this conference. The four...
Background: Opposition leader Mahmūd Jibrīl al-Warfalī discusses his viewpoints on the Libyan regime under Muʿammar al-Qadhāfī. The Lockerbie bombing in 1988 is brought up for discussion. Just days before the sabotage of the aircraft, the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) had warned...
Background: The Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn) is an international Sunni Islamist group founded by Ḥasan al-Bannā in 1928. Although, originally the movement claimed to be against violence, it has been accused of many alleged terrorist attacks, and is banned in Egypt as well as...
Maariv newspaper has reported on a Jewish girl that converted to Islam within the Green Line (Haytham Sulimān, al-Wafd, Jan. 12, p. 16). 
In a series of fatwás (religious edicts) by terrorist Shaykh, the Kuwaiti preacher, Dr. ‘Ugāyl al Nishmī, the head of the Sharī’ah Scholars Association in the countries of the Gulf, has issued a fatwá inciting for the killing of al-Sīsī (Diā’ Abū al-Safā’, al-Akhbār, Jan. 9, p. 3).
The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) issued a statement condemning the measures taken by the security services during the demonstrations of 25 April, confirming that they clearly violated the Constitution.
Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark, revealed the commencement of the procedures for the establishment of an Egyptian church in Bahrain to serve Coptic Egyptians there.
Mukhtār Munīr, the Lawyer at The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE), said the security services had arrested Ambassador Yaḥyā Nijm, former Egyptian ambassador to Venezuela, before the Journalists Syndicate.
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information “ANHRI” condemned the security crackdown carried out by the security forces on Thursday evening in the governorates against youth activist and national figures, asserting that the security forces arrested citizens from their homes and coffee shops in...
ʾAbū al-ʿAlā Māḍī was born in 1958 into a religious, Muslim family in Minia, Egypt. In 1996, he became the co-founder of Hizb al-Wasat (Center Party) which simultaneously signaled his break from the Muslim Brotherhood. The establishment of a political party with an Islamic background touches on a...


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