Displaying 301 - 310 of 724.
CIDT’s Jayson Casper reports on a panel discussion held at the JaffaCenter entitled The Fatimid State: Protecting the Holy Places of Mecca and Jerusalem”.
This article pertains to the status of Human Rights in Egypt, through the reporting of the US-based Human Rights Watch. A report from the HRW states that human rights in Egypt are deteriorating for a number of different groups throughout the country. Religious discrimination of Copts and Baha’is...
This article summarizes the effects of the flash floods on January 18th, 2010, throughout Egypt. Many were killed, and even more were displaced by the torrential rains. Many houses and buildings were also destroyed by the flooding. The flooding affected many places in the Sinai peninsula as well as...
This article gives a brief background on the various Christian communities in the Middle East, emphasizing the decline of the Christian population over the last century. This is a result of emigration to western Europe and America, driven by several factors, among them persecution
Al-Shurūq Al-Jadīd interviews Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī and asks him about the issues of the Muslim Brotherhood, Gaza and the Egyptian ruling system.
This editorial, republished from the Wall Street Journal by Watani International emphasizes the issue of Christian persecution throughout much of the Muslim world. Pointing to the fact that out of the top 10 worst persecutors of Christians, 8 of those listed are Muslim nations.  
Al-Maydān reports about Maoris Sādiq’s request to impose international supervision on Egypt.  
The author regrets the irresponsible and sensational way in which the press treats church affairs, and says it is time that the church made official announcements about controversial subjects.
The article reviews Nadir Fawzī’s advocacy of the Coptic demonstration in front of the White House and the meeting of six Copts in Canada with Bishop Yu’annis.
Watani interviewed a number of intellectuals and human rights activists to discover their views on the rise of sectarian attacks in Egypt.


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