Displaying 21 - 30 of 3299.
The concept of citizenship, the author argues, is in line with the Islamic Sharīʿa . Citizenship has already been applied by the prophet and his companions. The author is in strong disagreement with the presentation of former Dutch Member of the European Parliament Bas Belder. Belder refers, based...
The paper aims at presenting the religious education at the German School in Cairo (DEO) as one of the very few examples of schools offering interreligious education in Egypt.  In order to give the cooperative religious education at DEO a fair examination,
A lecture from Dr. Tarek Mansour on Muslim-Christian relations in the Middle East.
The September 2020 Webinar “Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe,” led to a discussion about the so-called Covenant of ʿUmar, also known as the Capitulations of ʿUmar, a 9th-century document prohibiting church building, the rebuilding of destroyed churches, and displaying a cross on...
Nour Saad is Egyptian, a former student at the DEO, studies political science and sociology in Germany, and interned between March 1 and April 2, 2020, with the Center for Arab-West Understanding where she wrote a report about the cooperative religious education at the German Evangelical...
An interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman and Father Joannis from the Coptic Orthodox Church
Eslam Othman is from a middle-class religious Muslim family in Alexandria. Prior to the removal of President Morsi in 2013 he was attracted to religious people with long beards, people associated to the Salafi movement. Eslam shows sympathy for the thoughts of leading Salafi thinker Dr. Muhammad...
في 22  يونيو, قام مركز التقارب العربي الغربي باستضاافة القس يؤانس للتحدث عن قضية التكفير التي تمت في قرية أشنين النصارى بالمنيا. كانت بداية الحديث عن ماذا حدث في قرية أشنين؟. بدأ الحديث عن االقرية  و خدمته فيها لمدة 28 سنة من 1997 حتي 2008. أشار سيادته أن قرية أشنين  قرية رائعة ولا توجد بها أية...
[The text was written as a chapter for Freedom of Belief and Christian Mission, Edited by Hans Aage Gravaas, Christof Sauer, Tormod Engelsviken, Maqsood Kamil and Knud Jørgensen. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, Vol.
I - Jordan: Jordan has a unique experience when it comes to interfaith dialogue. This has to do with history and components of the Jordanian people. Christians in Jordan consider themselves to be Arab Bedouins, descendants of the Ghassanids. They were never considered as foreigners, Crusaders or...


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