Displaying 3181 - 3190 of 3299.
Revd. Dr. John Watson commented on the report of Dr. Rodolph Yanney on conversions of Christians to Islam [RNSAW, 2001, week 01, art. 4]. He believes that it is better for internal investigation of this topic to be conducted by the Copts in Egypt, but not by the hierarchy. The issue needs to focus...
Dr. Rodolph Yanney, president of the Society of Coptic Church Studies and founder and editor of Coptic Church Review in 1980, gave the RNSAW permission to bring his articles in the Copts Digest and the Coptic Daily Digest, published in 1999, together in one report describing the factors leading to...
Introducing AWR press reviews. Growing media attention for RNSAW work.
The author says there is no disagreement between him and the Pope and that writing about Pope Kyrillos does not offend him. The Pope does not visit the cities and villages of Upper Egypt, while he travels several times a year to the United States and Europe because the materialistic life there...
The author responded to three questions: - Why did the Patriarchate not issue a statement about the appearance of the Holy Virgin as Pope Kyrillos VI did? - Why did Pope Shenouda invite those who participated in the series of "Awan Al-Ward" to the iftar party he gave, although many Christians are...
Pope Shenouda and many Muslim religious men received a great number of inquiries and criticisms about the series of "Awan Al-Ward." Christians believe that the series presents the issue of the marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian woman as a matter that should be accepted by Christians out...
The author comments on Fahmi Howeidi’s article about establishing an Islamic party. He expressed his surprise at the fact that Howeidi discussed the idea only from a constitutional angle but not from a political one. Howeidi’s idea that the constitution does not prohibit founding religious parties...
According to the report of the Human Rights Watch on Egypt, the government of President Hosni Mubarak intensified its efforts to exercise control over civil society institutions, harassing and restricting the activities of political parties, human rights and other nongovernmental organizations (...
The U.S. Catholic Conference expressed its deep disturbance with the efforts of extremists, in the Middle East and abroad, who incite and intensify religious conflict through inflammatory rhetoric, and anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and anti-Christian acts. It declared that the Holy Land must be a...
The author explained that the meaning of the word Copt means Egyptian and not Christian. That is only an invention of Christians which was accepted by some Muslim Egyptian intellectuals. He conclude his article by asking the Ministers of Education and Higher Education to review the place of Coptic...


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