Displaying 3261 - 3270 of 3299.
The article reviews a book of Philip Lewis ’Islamic Britain: Religion, Politics and Identity among British Muslims.’ The author says this book attempts to correct the wrong picture of Muslims in the British media.
The conspiring motives of the Sunday Telegraph’s campaign against Egypt are being revealed day after day. The British-American-Zionist attempts to trigger a ’Coptic Issue’ in Egypt, referring to Copts as a persecuted minority, is a way to implement the religious persecution law recently approved by...
The author does not think that what happened in the village of Koshh had anything to do with religious persecution because religious persecution means forcing people to change their religious beliefs, and this did not happen in the village. Foreign Copts have rushed too fast in organizing their...
We call on all Christians in Egypt to condemn what is being said and written in the foreign media concerning persecution of Copts in Egypt.
Bishop Bakhoum of Sohag, Maragha and Al-Munsha’a said that the statement of Pope Shenouda III confirmed that what happened in the Al-Koshh events was an ordinary incident, and it has nothing to do with Egypt’s national unity. What foreign papers published were exaggerations that defame Egypt, and...
Do foreign monks living in Egypt suffer persecution from people or from the government? Al-Wafd entered their world to get their opinions about what is happening.
The people of Sohag have criticized the ruling National Democratic Party for its negative attitude on Al-Kushh events. They described it as careless, adding that they got frustrated for the local authorities did not positively deal with the situation by meeting the priests of Sohag and the village’...
The press release criticizes the two previous Al Ahram articles and calls Hulsman "a double agent for the Egyptian government" who is afraid of being expelled from Egypt. The press release believes the letter Nafaa referred to in his article is a fabrication. They are upset because the Nafaa’s...
Al-Wafd paper spent 15 hours in Al-Kushh village accompanied by Bishop Wissa. In an interview with the bishop, he answered a number of inquiries about the village’s events.
The Committee for Arab, Foreign and National Security Affairs at the Shura Council reiterates that citizens are neither tortured nor persecuted in Egypt and there is no outlaw detention of suspects.


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