Displaying 3271 - 3280 of 3299.
Egypt’s information minister has sent a comment to Britain’s "Sunday Telegraph" over allegations carried in the October 25 edition of the paper, reported the Middle East News Agency (MENA) yesterday. The paper published a full-page feature claiming systematic religious persecution and mass torture...
Bishop Yohannes, secretary of Pope Shenouda III, said that his Holiness will issue a detailed report within the coming two days on what was published by The Sunday Telegraph.
It was not a coincidence that the British Sunday Telegraph, owned by the Jewish media moguls, has launched a fierce campaign against Egypt and its national unity at this particular time.
Finding out the truth is not easy but the extremely inaccurate and highly sensational way The Sunday Telegraph has, in its article of Sunday October 25, 1998, reported about Christians in Egypt ["Egyptian police ’crucify’ and rape Christians" by Christina Lamb] certainly doesn’t help the reader to...
Two days after President Mubarak’s refusal to release the Israeli Spy Azam Azam, the Zionist Lobby spread across Western countries launched a rude campaign against Egypt.
In light of the recent re-instating of the Khomeini Fatwa against Salman Rushdie by Iran’s radical groups, Rushdie is to meet with British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook to discuss his security.
Crowds gathered last week at the Marcos Church in Alexandria, joining in the funeral of Father Abdel Messih Maggar, Patron of the Virgin Mary’s Church at Gheit El-E’nab, in Alexandria who died at the age of 94. Also Sheikh Zein El-Samak, secretary of religious affairs for the Tagammu Party and...
The President’s political advisor Osama el-Baz yesterday emphasized that the strength of Egypt’s social fabric cannot be weakened by agitators who propagate injustices against Copts.
The Priest David Benjamin Caldani converted to Islam and wrote a book called ’Muhammad in the Holy Book’ in which he explains how he came to convert to Islam.
Excessive reports appeared abroad about police torture in el-Koshh.


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