Displaying 61 - 70 of 3298.
In the province of al-Minyā in southern Egypt, representatives of prominent families paid a visit to the Coptic Christians and the pastor of the Evangelical church to apologize for the attack on the church's newly constructed building, which had a building license.
Egyptian businessman Najīb Sāwīrīs has sparked controversy among social media users following a post in which he said, “We Christians believe in one God,” renewing controversy he had made the prior week following a similar post in which he cited a verse of the Qurʾān (Sūrat Al-Kāfirūn) as evidence...
Anbā Ermiā, Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center (COCC), announced solidarity with the statement by Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, the president’s advisor for religious affairs, regarding the controversial Takwīn foundation.
Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, the president’s advisor for religious affairs, said it was causing him and other pious Muslims significant discomfort to hear calls for recognizing only the Holy Qurʾān and denying the Sunnah, which is an established precept of Islam.
A fierce campaign has been launched recently against anyone who dares to express controversial opinions or arguments regarding religion on the grounds that one must be an expert on religion to be entitled to express an opinion on the matter.
Archbishop of al-Minyā, Anbā Makāryūs, has been given the nickname the ‘Honest Pastor’ following his visit to the village of al-Fawākhir after the assault on his congregation, where three houses were set alight and more were looted.
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem announced that it is not holding celebrations this year due to the “barbaric” war being waged by the occupation forces in Gaza.
The Egyptian Scientific Academy (Institut d’Égypte), in association with the Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding and Partnership, the University of Cambridge, al-Azhar, Dar al-Iftāʾ, and Egyptian Churches, will hold an international conference under the title “Modern Scientific Developments...
Palestine is considered to be the cradle of Christianity, the birthplace of Jesus, and home to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the majority of Christian antiquities.
Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, had a telephone conversation with Pope Tawāḍrūs to extend Easter congratulations.  


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