Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 1160.
The criminal prosecution of an internationally-known Lebanese singer is a blatant violation of his right to freedom of expression, an international human rights group said on Tuesday.
Exploitation of religion in international relations is not new in human history. Whether created by man or inspired by God [the so-called "heavenly religions" considered by Muslims to be Judaism, Christianity and Islam], religions have been the basis of many of the world’s alliances, wars and...
The United States made beyond doubt a strange effort to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, especially countries of the third world and the Islamic world in particular when it issued last month its report on religious freedom in the world in the frame of the religious freedom law...
After a verdict was made to close Al-Haq newspaper. The Committee to Protect Journalists urged the President in writing to stop the closure orders of Al-Haq as well as Al-Shoura newspapers.
A nearly forgotten people of the book, the Sabaean sect in Iraq adheres to its traditions while stressing what it has in common with Islam. They prefer to call themselves mindaa’ii "those who know", or Mandaeans, from manda, their word for temple.
The Vatican said Thursday Israel’s controversial plans to build a mosque near the main Christian shrine in Nazareth, where Jesus grew up, were a hindrance to preparations for a visit by Pope John Paul.
The annual report about religious freedom around the world was issued last month by the American State Department. According to the report, the efforts of the American administration to support religious freedom does not aim at public disclosure of the violations of religious freedom all over the...
The US State Department announced on October 6 that China, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), and Sudan were liable for diplomatic and economic sanctions for engaging in "particularly severe violations of religious freedom during the preceding 12 months."
Lebanese intellectuals organized a meeting in support of Lebanese singer and composer Marcel Khalifeh on 5 October, which rapidly turned into a mass rally of 1,500 people demonstrating in favor of freedom of expression. Khalifeh had been the object of a court indictment accusing him of...
The article discusses female genital mutilation among Yemeni females. There is a wide difference between the actual teaching of Islam and what is externally practiced in various Islamic states by Muslims who have at time mixed up customs, traditions and secularism with Islamic teachings.


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